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Aglow - God's Kingdom Movement

Tracey Brouwer

Tracey Brouwer - How God Knitted My Heart Into Aglow

My first Aglow meeting was a significant day in my Christian walk and remains very precious in my heart. The Lord spoke “Aglow” to me three times in different ways, within a week, over 22 years ago. I found my Wanneroo Aglow family and stayed! As I entered, I experienced such love and acceptance and I felt a special presence of God there.

I met so many caring and wise women of God. I am so blessed to have many beautiful friendships now-above all I could ask or hope for.

My heart was and is knitted into Aglow forever!

On this day I was also blessed to receive Holy Spirit baptism and He changed my life then and continues to as He leads me to rely upon Him.

My first National Conference was at Uluru and was the most amazing experience- in God, and in being part of what seemed like a wonderful family reunion!

Since then I have had the joy of serving on Committee in several positions, attending many amazing and inspiring State and National Conferences, and a ‘few’ years later I now have the privilege of serving on the National Board.

God-given Vision for Aglow

In my Board website profile I wrote the following as a summary of my heart for Aglow. “My heart for Aglow is to see each precious one equipped and prepared in this Kingdom hour; intimately connected with our Lord, living and moving and having our being in Him, and moving with Holy Spirit as a Kingdom company as the heart, hands and feet of Jesus.”

Every precious Aglow Global Partner and Aglow friend is important and needed in this Kingdom hour. Jesus never leaves even one behind and carries them into the safety of the fold. Together, as women and men of the Word, and in unity with Holy Spirit, we are strong and courageous. Our God has always been with us in His Might and Power, His Love and Compassion, His Faithfulness and His amazing Grace. (Joshua 1:9)

Aglow is Unique – we have a unique and special calling in the Kingdom!

As we live and walk intimately connected with Jesus, knowing His heart, knowing the Father’s Love, anointed and led by Holy Spirit, we can be the heart, hands and feet of Jesus.

We Will bring “hope for the poor, freedom for the broken-hearted, new eyes for the blind, and preach to prisoners, “You are set free!’ “(Luke 4:18)

We Will worship our God in unity, as one, celebrating together full of joy and sweet fellowship in His presence, that others will see the passionate love of God for them and will desire Him and know Him. (Psalm 55:14, John 17:23)

We Will love and encourage one another in our God-given gifts, giving one another the freedom and opportunity to employ each special gift to serve one another as good stewards of God’s Grace. (1 Peter 4:10)

We Will be praying prophetically and with authority into our Nation, the South Pacific, Israel, and for our own neighbourhoods.

We Are the army of worshippers and prayer warriors rising up and moving forward together with the Lord of Hosts at our head. (Psalm 24:7-10)

So, as we grow deeper into the purposes of God for Aglow in the days ahead, We Will keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, and be led by Holy Spirit.

Nothing is impossible with God, not one promise of God for Aglow is empty of power. (Luke 1:37) He is faithful to accomplish all He has spoken.

And We Will remain faithful to be Aglow and burning in the Spirit, enthusiastically serving the Lord, never lacking in zeal, continually walking in love and truth, and in obedience to our Lord and Saviour. (Romans 12:11)

Lord, please continue to raise us up in the full measure of our Kingdom purpose, Amen.

Tracey is currently serving on the Aglow Australia National Board as the Treasurer.



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