National Board of Directors
The Aglow International Australia Board of Directors are responsible for the governance and strategic direction of Aglow in Australia. The Board meets three times a year to discuss Aglow in Australia and the Region.
For more details on the role of Aglow International Australia Board of Directors, contact the Aglow Australia National Office.
The current board members are listed below:
Interim National Leader - Carol Price
Carol is currently serving as the Interim National Leader while Aglow seeks the Lord's leading to appoint the new National Leader.
You can read more about Carol here
Acting Board Chair - Chris Friend
I am currently serving as the Acting Board Chair while Carol serves as Interim National Leader.
I have an MA in theology, have been on many boards for churches and charities over the years, bringing a unique view on governance issues.
Aside from adjunct lecturing in Bible Colleges, I have have three main roles in ministry: I am the National Leader for IPHC Ministries (a Wesleyan Pentecostal denomination), the Senior Pastor for Collective Hope churches and the CEO for Collective Hope Community Services (which includes services to clients on the NDIS scheme).
Currently based in Perth, I’ve been married to Natalee since 1990, and we have two adult children.
My passion for Aglow is to see it grow exponentially as a movement of intercessors, prophetic voices, and leaders within the Body of Christ that impacts the nations of the world.
Board Member - Helen Reardon
In 1992 I gave my life to Jesus and went to Church & Aglow. Aglow gave me my heart’s desire to be with people from the greater body-of-Christ. To this day I don’t know of any other Ministry that is bonded together in love & unity than in Aglow.
Over the decades I have been blessed to serve in various roles in Aglow groups, including as Leader of Lindfield Aglow. During these two decades I also did Bible College and continued on to obtain my Bachelor of Theology.
During our time in WA, I was so thankful to serve in the Aglow National Office over an 18 month period, and became one of the Mentors for WA. When we returned to Sydney, I was part of starting new Aglow groups around the Sydney region, and in 2020 become one of the NSW Mentors. No matter what season I have been through, my Aglow family has always been there. I look forward to this new day as together we walk forward with His plans and purposes for Aglow Australia.
I live in Sydney with my husband Garry. We have two sons, two daughters-in-love and four grandchildren.
Board Member - Colin Brown
Aglow has been near to my heart for some years, with friends who are a part of Aglow. I have ministered alongside Kerry-Ellen and spoken at Aglow gatherings.
In March 1996 the Lord deeply moved my heart to serve him out of been shown a forthcoming unique revival within and through our nation. Since then I have ministered and spoken across a broad spectrum of the church. My wife, Tina Maree, and I have facilitated numerous prophetic-edged gatherings in various places. I am the author of Outside the Camp - The Wisdom, Humility and Power of the Church, Born for Battle - Fighting the Good Fight of the Faith, and the Dose of Iron series.
Tina Maree and I are on the leadership team for Elohim House of Prayer on Mount Carmel, Israel. We currently oversee Kingsgate Haven, in American River on Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Kingsgate Haven, known also as the Freedom Gate, is a community and gathering place, as part of the Australian House of Prayer for All Nations (AHOPFAN). We also oversee Streams, a Zoom fellowship, in Australia and Canada.
At Aglow we are looking and listening to the Lord for a new National Leader. I am the Chair of the Aglow Selection Committee. We are confident of the Lord’s timing and calling upon the one of his choosing.
Board Member - Elizabeth West
I have long been associated with missions, having joined Youth With A Mission (YWAM) overseas in 1980, where I completed a Discipleship Training School. This became a catalytic move of which the Lord deposited into my life, not only a deep love for humanity, but a Kingdom worldview. I later returned to YWAM in 2009 between careers, to this time staff a school, of which I then led an outreach team to Rwanda.
With a career in commercial advertising, I transitioned to Christian marketing agencies, a client of which was Gloria Jeans Coffees. This subsequently saw me join Gloria Jeans as their Australian marketing director.
Today, I occupy the position of Chief Brand Strategist for an American company based in Dallas Texas, serving both Sydney and the U.S. through brand development and marketing campaigns for a wide variety of Christian nonprofit organisations, causes, and churches.
My passion is to help clients build their relevance through greater differentiation, where they not only understand their point of difference, but whose voice is empowered to cut through in an increasingly saturated nonprofit world, so God is elevated, heard and seen.