Update on the South Pacific Conference

‘He answered, “The Father is the one who sets the fixed dates and the times of their fulfillment. You are not permitted to know the timing of all that he has prepared by his own authority. But I promise you this—the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be filled with power. And you will be my messenger to Jerusalem, throughout Judea, the distant province —even to the remotest places on earth!’ - Acts 1:7-8
Dear South Pacific Aglow family.
The Regional Committee has been waiting upon God and seeking His wisdom for the decision for the Right Time Conference in Fiji in May 2021. God has spoken through the intercessors and given His word to our hearts. The word coming from the intercessors is that God’s heart is still firmly for the South Pacific.
Even with this encouragement, we are aware of the current global situation and the decisions South Pacific governments are faced with at this time. Our Fiji National Leader, Fulori, confirmed last week that their government has no plans to open airline travel into Fiji before June 2021.
With all that is uncertain we have decided to not proceed with the physical conference in May 2021. We are proposing an on-line version with details yet to be formalised. This decision will allow the delegates who have booked airfares and accommodation to approach venues and airlines.
Our spirits are still alive to what God is saying for the South Pacific Region and it is on the heart of many intercessors now. We are not giving up on seeing Aglow with “our feet on the ground” in the future. This is the vision God has given us for this region, one that Jeanette and I have been carrying on our hearts since 2012.
Aglow, we are called to stand in prayer for this whole region made up of individual nations which have been severely affected by the loss of tourism, thus affecting their families and society. There are also much larger issues that face these nations, which require ongoing prayer.
Our South Pacific prayer will continue with a strong heart for God’s plan for the Great Southlands of the Holy Spirit.
For those who have contributed through donations and registrations we will be in further contact with you.
Every blessing to you all as we as we move forward in the plans of God.
Warm Regards,
Kerry-Ellen Logan on behalf of the Aglow South Pacific Region Committee