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Denise Coffey

Aglow Streaky Bay Returns to Elliston S.A.

Aglow Streaky Bay went back to Elliston last weekend the 8th of October to catch up with and encourage those there.

It was a wonderful time of fellowship, prayer and sharing what God is doing in their lives. Each person that was at the retreat in September has had their lives impacted by a touch from the Lord. The Christians are reaching out to fellowship with each other and traveling to fellowship with others.

During the prayer time people stepped out and began to speak with Words of Knowledge for each other, praying for healing and even a prophetic word was given.

It was the first time that each one had done this, it was such a joy to be there as the Holy Spirit moved among us, it was wonderful! Lots of laughter and drawing closer to each other and our Lord.

I felt to share on the love God has for each of us, Brian read the word 1 Corinthians 12 - 13:13 and Romans 8:31-39 and of course John 3:16.

We sat for a time of quiet reflection, reflecting on how much He loves us, so much He sent His son to die for us. Would we, could we do the same? I asked them to ask Him to show them how much He loves them, to be aware of this love, to sit and soak in His love.

It was truly special.

Later people shared what they heard, saw, and felt from the Lord, there were lots of tears and so much joy. Wonderful!

We were still praying at 5pm. We started at 11:30!!

Charmaine opened her beautiful, colourful home up to us. There were 11 of us there. Charmaine has joined as a Global member and is praying, where to from here?

Please pray for Cate, Ingrid, and her husband Kenny, for Charmaine and her daughter Nikki, and grandson Joshua.

Please pray that Larissa, her husband, and girls can come for fellowship, and that the ladies from the Catholic Church are also free to come.

Pray for boldness for these people as they reach out to their community.

Pray that we are guided to the next step for Elliston and that only God is glorified.

Blessings from the Eyre Peninsular SA

Denise and Brian Coffey



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