A New Day for the Aglow Australia Office
Today is the first day of the next stage of Aglow International Australia. The Management Team met on our new set up using Office 365 Teams which we had established in 2018 knowing it was the way for the future. As we have been going through the process of closing the physical office we are able to apply a number of new systems to simplify contact, telephone operations and other systems. God always goes before us. Aglow International has established Office 365 as their system also.
On this important day I went back to the passage where God “commissioned” me into the role of National President in May 2005. It was Him and me sitting at the back of a plane when He spoke clearly and loudly to me and I wept.
Yesterday He took me to a very familiar part of Joshua. Joshua 3:1-6. As I read, what touched my spirit was, this was the Ark of the Covenant in all its glory going before them, the promise of the faithfulness of God which would never fail them as they entered the Promise Land. This is our same promise, given to us, as we move into new territory.
I trust you will rejoice in what God is doing in this hour. May we not hold on to old mind sets but move forward with Him.
Remember contact with the office is as available as it has ever been. Dial our regular number or send an email. We are still on the job and delighted to talk and share with you all.
