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Aglow Australia Raises a Hallelujah Online

Elizabeth Barlas

On Saturday August the 29th Aglow International Australia across the nation came together on a zoom call to raise a Hallelujah to our Lord.

During a planning meeting in early August the notion of inviting the whole nation to a zoom call celebration was birthed. The Management Team felt the quickening excitement of an idea planted by God himself, we could have a party, get people to gather together, bring party food and have fun being together, we could open the office to those who wish to come in. The idea had taken root! We needed the Aglow groups to catch the vision, to see the potential for fun, and you did!

Across the nation we had over 200 people on our call, many of them joined together in their branch groups with an air of expectation. Many homes were decorated, party food was shared, fun and fellowship was enjoyed.

The call held many surprises, we were all so excited to have Ned Davies with us and leading us in worship. The Holy Spirit quickly removed any strangeness we felt because of technology and distance, He descended upon and over us in a powerful way as our praises rose to the throne room.

Following our worship, we received a word from Pastor Chris Friend, his text was Isaiah 62:4-6. You are no longer desolate, no longer abandoned, you are called back to faithfulness, back to God. The point that has really stayed with me was the statement, we are called back to be the handmaidens of the Bride of Christ, our role is to help prepare the Bride for her bridegroom. Aglow that is what we are/should be doing.

We then had an encouraging word from Jacqueline Taylor, her text was Romans 13: 10-14 prepare yourself by clothing yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Following our two speakers we heard from four of our Leaders, they shared some highlights of what God had been doing in their branch meetings recently. Thank you to, Alice, Kerry Atkinson, Marion and Gaylene.

Nicole our Finance Administrator (Finance Fairy extraordinaire) shared with us all the relevant information regarding the Kingdom Offering. Encouraging all to give as the Lord prompts for the continued work of Aglow in Australia.

Another highlight was the playing of the extraordinary youtube music video created by Worship Songs of the Michael W Smith song, Way Maker, set to a video created by TVN. This music video is a recreation of the crossing of the Jordan River by Joshua and the Israelites. The Holy Spirit moved among us again during and after the playing of this song, leading us once again into beautiful worship. We followed this time with communion. Samoa led us with a beautiful soft and humble heart.

To conclude our celebration, we lit a candle representing our Great God pushing back the darkness.

Reports have come into the office of groups that did not want to go home, groups that stayed together in fellowship with each other and the Holy Spirit well into the afternoon. We are truly blessed!

So to you all we say thank you for sharing in what was a landmark occasion, God is leading us in new ways and it is good, and rather exciting!

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