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Prayer of Repentance - From Conference

Carol Price

Prayer of Repentance for Aglow Australia Conference Sydney July 2018

The Word tells us, to truly bring in the new season we have been talking about for a long time now, and to be free to walk in it with all the authority we have as born again believers, we need, and indeed, we must, repent of anything that has gone on in Aglow Australia over the past 45 years that has not been honourable to the Lord or respectful of others.


"Heavenly Father I come before You tonight as the representative of both the leadership and the body of Aglow Australia. Lord it is our desire to move forward in the new season with clean hearts. We want to see fulfilled, the many prophetic words that have been spoken over Aglow and Australia.

We want to be that army of prayer warriors and intercessors You ordained us to be for such a time as this.

We want to go forth with a fresh boldness and courage to take authority and stand up against the enemy and all that he is trying to do to us as individually and corporately.

So, Dear Lord, we come before You tonight in repentance for all the times we have not honoured You with our time, our activities and the resources we have been given. Forgive us Lord. Please forgive us.

All too often, Father, we have not challenged ourselves or been prepared to ask ourselves the hard questions that might have guided us differently. All too often we have taken the easy road and stayed doing what was comfortable or made us feel good.

Forgive us Lord. Open our eyes to see Aglow as You see it, as You desire it to be, fulfilling Your purposes for it in Australia and the South Pacific region.

Lord we know in our hearts it is time for us to wake, get real, and where necessary to get uncomfortable, and change some of our habits. It is time to strip ourselves of all that is not furthering Your purposes and honouring You as the KING OF GLORY.

You are the God of Forgiveness so Lord we are able to thank you that as we come before You in true repentance we are forgiven, what a wonderful blessing to have that assurance. Thank You Lord.

Thank You Lord that we can go forward into this new season and fulfil the prophesies given to us and get back to the basics that formed the foundations of Aglow International all those years ago. Four women sitting at a kitchen table praying for the lost and those reaching out to them.

Thank you Lord that You have brought us together in unity and as one people in this place tonight. Thank You for hearing our prayers. Have Your way with us.

In Jesus name I pray.


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