Reflecting on Conference - from Aglow SA
From the moment Barbara Yoder on 29th September 2017 quoted Psalm 24, "Lift up your heads, O ye gates" at Richmond Virginia - even before Chuck Pierce discussed the significance of 2018 being in Hebrew 5778 associated with the year of the gate - I knew in my spirit that this was very important for us in Aglow South Australia.
Our National President Kerry-Ellen Logan confirmed it with naming our Sydney Conference "King of Glory".
As I prayed for the ten South Australian delegates I felt inspired to make Aglow Tiaras to lift up our heads because we are the gates, the everlasting doors, we are the generation that seek the King of Glory as Ben Gray proclaimed on the 25th July 2018.
He spoke of the vision a prophetess had given him of angels climbing up and down a ladder to Heaven. Her complaint was, that Ben was not working his angels hard enough! He told us that each of us is a gate for the presence of God - there is an unseen ladder where angels can ascend and descend, like Jacob saw at Bethel (Pastor Tim Edwards).
Bernadette Nahlous confirmed it when she preached that we each had received the Holy Spirit anointing when we became Born Again to do whatever we are called to do.
Tony McLelland exhorted us "The people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits" (Daniel 11:32). Ruth Leon, after talking with 65 Aglow Presidents across Australia, talked about the trend for using DVDs from Global and National Aglow Conferences, GameChangers and Fireside Chats, renewed worship and creative fruitfulness - as we are seeing in South Australia - and Ruth's heartfelt paraphrase of the song, "In Aglow Lord Be Glorified Today".
Pastor Tim Edwards and his son-in-law Nathan Seden brought forth a special message about Fatherhood and giving us the Psalm 127 blessing from the Spiritual Custodial Elders of this Great South Land of the Holy Spirit. The promise to Aglow International Australia of MORE children, the double portion to be fruitful.