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Responses to Conference

Aglow Australia

Members of Aglow have provided their Holy Spirit inspired responses to what they experienced at conference, which we feel is significant to everyone in Aglow.

Response #1:

In times past, through observation and participation we learned how to create beautiful settings and organise and run amazing meetings. Excellence in every way while also learning to walk in the ways of the Spirit.

This conference has moved us into a new season. Without performance, personalities or profiles. No idols of man or ministry. We left it all behind for the King of Glory and He came in power and Presence.

I'm grateful for the courage of our leadership to yield all to Him in complete trust and surrender. We have been shown the way forward. Thanks to their courage and obedience we have truly crossed over into a new season of the pursuit of His Presence. Nothing more nothing less.


Response #2:


KING of Glory Conference – Sydney 2018

A personal Prayer…


Many here have adapted to changes their whole life. After 65 years of age, folks quickly must learn to change physically, emotionally and in relationship with You. Our homes and life circumstances have changed. Friends and family have gone home or moved to far-away places.

Every generation continues to have one theme song in their message of ‘change’. This is also often proclaimed…’ New wine cannot be contained in old wine skins’. It is an absolute TRUTH. Change is important, or we will become static and dry. But…

I stood up high in the Conference Gallery and asked a question.

"My Lord, Please, tell me, teach me,

What happens to the ‘old’ wineskins?"

This, I believe was His Answer in my heart.

I am the Ancient of Days – I am unchanging – I am eternal! My Children remain my Sons and daughters in relationship to Me FOREVER. Old wineskins are grafted into the blood Covenant covering my children’s lives. New wine is poured into new wineskins. Yet, the old skins although becoming strained, and broken with age, still contain the essence, the fragrance, the holiness of lives lived with memories, and maturity that enriches the future, and makes it more vital.

Nothing, nothing is ever lost, while traces of the old wine and the bubbling flow of the ‘new’ are fully embraced.

No change is therefore absolute, but progressive and ever ‘alive’ and enriching.

In this then, I truly am


In quietness I was able to pray for all the beloved in the Sydney Conference Centre.

"May the new wine flow. A-men. May no drop of the ‘holy’ and ‘sacred’ trace elements of the old wine ever be lost. May memories of departed saints ever be sanctified."



Response #3:

“Joshua would not depart from the tent.”

“Joshua the son of Num, who stands before you, he shall enter. Encourage him for he shall cause Israel to inherit it.” - Deut 1:38

On the first day of Conference 2018 after the leaders session, another Aglow leader and I discovered we had both been thinking of Joan Morton for days.

When Ben Gray started speaking about “Crossing over” I was transfixed. I realized that Ben was, in his own way and style, telling us what Joan had said years ago in her message “Consecrate yourselves for you have not been this way before”.

When Ben finished his talk with “You have not been this way before” I was convinced God was giving us this message afresh.

Later during the Conference, an Aglow National Board Member rose and told us of a vision he recently had, where he had reached down and taken a huge key from the heart area of a skeleton and the key (I think he said) would open the doors/gates to the King of Glory. I knew immediately that the skeleton was that of (Previous National President) Joan Morton. It is time for what Joan prophesied all those years ago to come to fruition. I know in my heart that Key is Worship. I am convinced that God is bringing us into that time Joan foretold - the time to Cross Over into the Promised land and we are witnesses of that word coming to pass - “Be strong and courageous”.

I have always believed that Kerry-Ellen is our Joshua and Joan was our Moses. I am so blessed to be a long time Member of Aglow - had I been new to Aglow I would not have caught the significance of what we were hearing. I truly believe Holy Spirit is revealing God's Word being fulfilled.

I remember Joan saying that the Priests had to walk out into the raging river with the ark before the river parted. Kerry-Ellen may not have been at this conference, but she still wears the mantle and as she remained in the tent of His Presence, the army gathered and prepared for what is ahead.


Response #4:


I sense the Lord saying...

I'm about to release a new season of influence. In this season of change that is upon you I am going to give you open doors - but you must push through to reach them.

These open doors will fling - yes I say, they will catapult you into that which I have called you to. It will demand consistency and just showing up - it’s a journey - but take my hand and run with me, run with an expectant heart, and joyous abandonment.

Aglow you have a breaker anointing upon you from of old, it still resides in you. It’s in your spiritual DNA. Know this - just like the enemy didn’t want the season to change under Elijah, he doesn’t want you to enter into your new season either, to step through these new doors of opportunity - that’s because the breakthrough will bring change, and the enemy hates change. However this breakthrough that is about to dawn, is just one more step in the enemies' demise! And the Spirit says, remember “I am the God of the breakthrough!” I will do this! Trust me says the Lord!

No weapon formed against you Aglow shall prosper!


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