Aglow International Australia Annual General Meeting
Aglow is never one to have a typical meeting. And the Annual General Meeting was no different.
40 people attended the AGM, held on the 23rd March 2018. Pastor James Goss opened in prayer, and the usual AGM items of business such as minutes of the last meeting and the financial report were presented, the AGM also featured reports from Michelle in Finance, Liz in Branch administration, Marilyn as executive secretary, and then the Kerry-Ellen’s president report.
Marilyn brought encouragement from the International conference she attended last year, saying she has removed the word “old” from her vocabulary. While 2017 was a challenging year, we knew God was shifting us, and she quoted Liz when she said we “closed the door at the end of last year in victory”
Michelle was inspiring and eloquent as she told us of how she came to be in charge of the Aglow finances, giving all credit to God, telling how she and Liz met at president’s summit as a God ordained moment, and their positions in the office being entirely God-designed.
Liz presented the conference flyer and encouraged everyone to register, saying, “We want you all to come and bring as many of your branch members as you can. We want Sydney to hear that we’re here… we want to take the Holy Spirit wherever we walk and wherever we talk and wherever we sit and wherever we drink coffee.”
Kerry-Ellen’s report began with a summary of her recent trip to the US for the International Board of Directors meetings, and this summary led to an inspirational message about identity, the upcoming National conference, and the importance of prayer in our Branches. This report ended with a prophetic call to action as a mighty roar was released over the meeting. God showed up powerfully as only He could. Kerry-Ellen encouraged us to pursue prayer in our Branches this year, and suggested we all ask God what is He wanting us to do in this hour to increase our own individual level of prayer.
After Rev Russell Sage closed the meeting in prayer, morning tea was served as we all enjoyed each other’s company and chatted about the exciting times we are currently in.
Excerpts from the AGM were broadcast over Facebook Live and are now available to view on Aglow Australia’s Facebook page.