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November Regional Days Wrap Up

Aglow Australia

Every Regional Day held across Australia this year has been a significant time for Aglow and this Nation, as we walk in the shift God is placing us and see what is coming out of the shift.

November saw the last 3 Regional Days held for 2017. We are grateful to God for all He has done this year and we look with excitement to all that will happen in 2018!


Held 18 November

From Gaylene Sherer, President of Bundaberg Aglow:

"25-30 attended the Regional Day, held in such tropical style with palm branches and flowers etc which created a beautiful, fresh, inviting atmosphere. Their team of young people who so willingly assisted were just delightful and so very respectful.

The flow of the Holy Spirit was obvious and the worship was amazing. In fact, Lynore continued to bring us back throughout the whole day to focussing on God through our worship of Him and I believe it was a strategy of the Holy Spirit for this particular day.

We took time to pray for Millie (president of Cairns Aglow) and Tuana (Treasurer of Cairn Aglow) and it was a powerful, significant moment in the Lord. God’s presence was so very strong. The remainder of the women and the young people all joined in and flowed under the banners.

Maria from Townsville said that the well has been dug and there are tributaries running from the one foundation.

Felecia’s promotion of GameCHANGERS was fabulous. Bronwyn and Phyllis from Townsville loved being together as the Aglow family. They said being together as the Aglow family is like icing on the cake, joining everything together. They were so pleased they could come for Millie and Tuana support.

The food was abundant – both spiritually and physically. Lynore shared a Word on Hope, and the SHIFT in our thinking and understanding had a profound impact on the lives of all at Regional Day.

God spoke encouragement to many of them through prophetic words, words of knowledge and comforting prayers. Many tears, gentle ministry, loving touches, lives restored and renewed and reinvigorated. And we turned our eyes back onto Jesus as we closed in worship. Lynore then brought out a beautiful cake to celebrate Aglow’s 50 years and there was singing and dancing and joy in the Holy Spirit. No-one wanted to go home!!!!"


Held 18th November

From Sue Kover, President of Canberra City Aglow:

"It was a day of Presence and Power. As Glen led us into worship, he led us into the sweet presence of God during the morning session. Leslie Duffy brought a prophetic word about the fire of God, Bev Golder read the letter from Kerry-Ellen and followed up with sharing what is happening in Auburn and John Golder also shared a few short stories. This was followed by Jeanette and Shanne doing the skit from Gamechangers and Marion (Ulladulla) encouraged everyone to get involved with the Program.

In the afternoon Holy Spirit fire fell during the worship – it was awesome.

Jacqueline Bedson talked about how God had led her to commence the National Prayer network for Defence Personal and her experience in Israel at the re-enactment of the charge of the Light Brigade. To finish Peggy Phillips encouraged everyone to ‘Join the Regiment’. She shared her walk in Aglow over the years and how life changing being in Aglow has been for her.

God is amazing and Aglow people inspiring!"


Held 24th November

The Perth Regional Day was blessed to have Kerry-Ellen speaking on the day – the only Regional Day she has been able to attend. Kerry-Ellen gave an inspiring Word from God based on David and Goliath, focusing on how the Israelites viewed the taunting from the enemy, and emphasising the importance of seeking God’s face and His presence as we walk through the shift. Seeing Kerry-Ellen speak was inspiring as she declared she was making a come back, as are many others in Aglow.

Wendy Yapp challenged us to take an audit of where we are standing in Aglow, reminding us of the Aglow vision and Mandate. She encouraged those called to the Nations (or to our own families) to step forward to receive what God is wanting to give us.

Ned Davies led worship lovingly, ushering in the Presence of the Holy Spirit, and encouraging others to sing out to God in their own language and voice. It was day of worship and prayer, of challenge and encouragement, as we arise and make our voices heard.

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