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John Golder: A life lived spreading the gospel

John Golder – He Opened The Door For Many to Enter In

Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

Psalm 84:10

Led by the Spirit of God, John inspired many to harvest souls for Jesus. It’s hard to think of John Golder as no longer being with us. He has been such a presence in our lives, seemingly at every turn.

John Golder was one of my dearest and closest friends. He and Bev hosted many a Harvest Team (a team of about 30 soul winners at the church) meeting at their home. Often John and I would meet in the city of Sydney during the many years in which I operated in business there. He was a constant source of help and encouragement as we ran Alpha at North Shore Christian Church (LifeSource) - 10 years, 34 Courses, around 1,200 graduates, many converted to Christ, many baptisms, many new Christian courses.

He supported Bev in Aglow for what seemed forever. It was no surprise that he called me one day to say that he had been asked to ask me to speak at the Aglow Conference in July 2018 on the subject of Bringing Others to Jesus. That day the Aglow conference delegates embraced the call of the Lord so thoroughly and wholeheartedly to follow Him and to be fishers of men, women and young people. That was the cry of John’s heart. The results have been explosive.

The seeds that those Aglow members have sown have blossomed into an outstanding result with thousands hearing the Gospel on the streets of our cities and towns through Australia For Jesus. John was the door welcomer at North Shore for years. His warm greeting along with the evergreen and beautiful, Bev, was a presence I shall never forget. Little did I realise, until now, how much the Lord has used John to open the door for many people to enter into His Kingdom.


Tony McLennan



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