God fulfils a vision: Outreach in Minnipa South Australia.
Denise Coffey and Annette Siviour share with us an amazing vision they received from God and how He made it a reality.
Aglow Minnipa started with a vision from a friend, Helen Tyler who is in School Of Faith (SOF) with me (Denise) and has met Annette as well.
She saw me taking a photo of the sunset and said; whoever the Son Sets free is free indeed. Helen believed the Lord said to hold a weekend retreat to Captivate Hearts. The Healing of Hearts was the main focus. Helen called it a women's retreat, but it ended up being a retreat for all the family of all ages, the Lord wanted everyone there.
I shared the vision firstly with Annette Siviour and she immediately knew it was from God.
I then shared it with Ingrid Bartlett, Kerry-Ellen and Yvonne Amos.
Annette Siviour and I had met 3 years ago and sat and talked for ages about what we believed God wanted for the Eyre Peninsula, SA and all Australia. Annette started Aglow here on the Eyre Peninsula 27 years ago, both our hearts yearned to spread His Word over this land. Annette and I had many long phone conversations about what to do and how to approach the Eyre Peninsula. Then covid came and so nothing had really happened. Until this vision was given to me and I believed it was for Annette as well. Many phone calls and zooms later we decided to meet twice, once at Lock and then at Minnipa to pray. While at Minnipa we met with Pastor's Tim and Heidi Coleman who have been pastoring there and Streaky Bay for 23 years and now at Port Augusta also for 3 years.
I, Annette shared the vision of a stone archway that Holy Spirit showed me whilst reading scripture from Songs of Solomon 4:8. “Archway of Trust” TPT Holy Spirit was showing us where to have our weekend. Later it was confirmed that there had indeed been a stone ‘Archway’ at Minnipa but was knocked down by a school bus as it was driving through to the oval. Isaiah 22:22 was pivotal “The Key of David” Worship & God opening doors that no man can shut. It was no accident that the Retreat started at ‘ Sunset’ Friday night. Birds go to bed & there is stillness. Ps 46:10 “Be still & know I am God” God is one of detail.
Back to Denise….
So many amazing words of knowledge were given to us both to encourage us along the way. Our husbands Brian and Noel were supporting us all the time as were Tim and Heidi. We met weekly with our Aglow sisters, Ingrid and Yvonne for updates, encouragement and prayer.
Also others in SOF and friends heard about the weekend and sent us financial support to start the process and continued all through til Saturday pm to pray and support with messages and calls.
The date was set and there was no turning back. Sciptures continually reinforced all we were doing as well, Proverbs 2:1-5 John 8:36, 2 Thess 2:16-17, John 16:13, 2 Corinth 9:8, Is 43:19 and many others.
Words of Knowledge flowed through to us as well and all confirmed Annette and I to press on. Pam Eliason sent us this word, "I sense you are fuelling the harvesters that are reaping , bringing in the wheat. They are huge machines, already dripping with oil"
Jesus spoke to me clearly one morning 2/2/2022 and I was praying for Him to fill my heart to overflowing with love; And I saw a heart, a metal heart ripped open like metal does - sharp points - hard and dangerous almost. So I thought that's a great hole Lord, pour your love in through there. THEN Jesus put his hand over the hole and moulded it - filled in the hole - healed it back to perfect. It began to beat. Pulsate and to be perfect red, healthy and that He filled it with love.
I knew it was for people coming that weekend.
Denise & I were challenged to have a ‘Word’ to catch the eye of the reader when advertising the weekend on our flier. The Lord woke me up one morning with the word ‘Reset’ it fitted so snuggly with what our Aglow International President Mrs Jane Hansen Hoyt described as the next move of Holy Spirit doing a reset in His people, allowing Him to do the 'producing’ out of a place rest. Just like the woman at the well John 4 v 3-29 she encountered Jesus & had a ‘Divine Reset’. Many, many lives were ‘Reset’ at Minnipa with their Hearts being captivated by His LOVE.
To the joy of Annette, Tim, Heidi and myself everyone involved in the prayer and the planning they came. Older people in their 80's to the Young mums and dads, and teenagers and youth in their 20's. It was an amazing group that mixed and melded; the younger youth cared for the little ones and even when they were in the room with us they were quiet. It was as if they knew HE was with us. 2 young boys aged 10 and 5 were so touched by God it touched our hearts too, we are praying for them daily.
We met on the Friday night at 6pm. There was at least 30 there and it was a night of celebration. Heidi Coleman lead the worship which was truly anointed and many were touched by the Holy Spirit. My husband Brian was one of those who felt the touch of the Holy Spirit and cried through most of the worship. Saturday continued with our Testimonies shared and then healing followed. Such Joy and love, Such Peace and Worship filled the place. People were healed of broken hearts, sore necks, backs, legs, and some set free, In Jesus Name. I can say is God is Good, and I have been saying it since.
Annette and I are truly rejoicing in what the Lord has done.
Sunday we went to church at Tim and Heidi's CRC Family Life Church in Minnipa and the Lord was there, more healings took place. They shared an amazing lunch with us all as well. Fellowship went on and on.
There was an overflow as we travelled back home to Port Lincoln. A young Mum gave her heart to the Lord along with an astounding answer to prayer to a family situation for her.
We were blessed coming in and blessed going out. God is Good and there is much much more to come
Denise and Annette

The group at Pildarra Rock.