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August/September Regional Day wrap up

Aglow Australia

Over the past 2 months, Regional Days have taken place in 5 locations all around Australia, from Darwin in the north, to Adelaide in the south; from Melbourne in the east, to Mandurah and Narrogin in the west. God is moving across this land!

Summaries of these amazing days are below:

DARWIN, NT - held 19th August

From Marg Lyle, president of Darwin Aglow:

"We had an amazing day. Pastor John Ekpo brought his worship team with all the upbeat equipment. Robyn and Glenda opened the worship and the anointing of God came down.

Sue (from Katherine Aglow) read Kerry-Ellen’s letter, and as she read there was a release of the Holy Spirit anointing in the place. Then we worshiped some more as God’s presence was all over us.

Di Edwards shared a word from Kerry-Ellen and it was so anointed, almost as if it was straight from

Kerry-Ellen’s own heart.

After lunch Pastor Tim Edwards shared his life changing experience with the Lord when he was

shipwrecked at sea. It was so powerful. Then he & Di anointed most of the people and prayed for them; even friends and family came for prayer.

Most people left the meetings refreshed and spirits lifted."

MANDURAH, WA - held 19th August

The Mandurah Regional day started with peaceful, contemplative worship, then ended with a roar of God, as a prophetic word was brought forth for the Region.

The day flowed seamlessly from one speaker to another, as we were reminded that God is in control and He has a plan for us, each time we say Yes to Him we are brought one step closer to His plan. Testimony from the guest speakers was powerful, informative and revelatory. Dr Kahlid reminded us that the battle is the Lords, He fights on our behalf. Jonathan built on this with his powerful testimony, and encouraged us to embrace our weaknesses, for when we are weak, God is strong. God is moving, and He wants us to move with Him.

Glenda from the National Office was honoured for her service to Aglow, and the new members of the National Office, Michelle, Liz and Julia were introduced to the Region. Finally Edna and Hannah encouraged us to step out, for God is doing a new thing - we are to arise and shine, be the light in the world, and move with the shift of God in this new season.

MELBOURNE, VIC - held 26th August

From Ruth Leon, president of Melbourne City Aglow:

"The Melbourne Regional Day was a day anointed by Holy Spirit, full of joy and blessings in His sweet presence.

Anticipation filled our hearts as the people gathered and we began to worship under the leadership of a team of young people from Sunshine Aglow. Deep, reverent, holy worship.

A loving message from the Kerry-Ellen Logan, National President of Aglow International Australia was brought by Dawn Blackburne who also brought a word of encouragement from God's heart to ours.

Rod Schneider shared stories from Indigenous people across this land: revealing the awareness and urgency of the significance of the indigenous peoples in taking the word & love of Jesus to Jerusalem, 'like a boomerang '. The Lord is doing an amazing thing in bringing His people together as we gather and share in ministries this way.

The Gamechangers program was highlighted by Riekie as she shared the transformative power of Jesus through Holy Spirit and three beautiful women gave testimony to the changes in their lives as they have been working through the program.

The power of God IS arising in this land: He shares with us as we are yielded to Him in intimacy, listening to Him and walking with Him in total availability and radical obedience."

NARROGIN, WA - held 26th August

The Narrogin regional day was a blessing to all that attended. We were warmly welcomed by Sue Simmonds President of Narrogin Aglow and her team at the Narrogin Bowling Club.

The presence of the Holy Spirit was real from the beginning of worship and the joy just kept on increasing throughout the day, our speakers James Goss and Priscilla Tucker were inspirational, and at times hilarious.

James brought us a word based upon Hannah the mother of Samuel. Hannah pleaded with God for a child, dedicating him to the Lord’s service even before his birth, God heard Hannah’s heart cry and Samuel was born. Samuel became a prophet of God, the last Judge of Israel and the one who anointed the first two kings of Judah. God was in charge all along, He allowed Hannah to become so desperate for a child that she would give him back to God enabling God to fulfil His plans for the people of Israel - taking them from a group of individual tribes ruled by a judge, to the united kingdom of Israel ruled over by a king.

We are never to give up on God and think things are too difficult or too improbable, we need to wait upon God for him to bring his blessings into our lives in his time and in his way.

Testimonies on Country Connect and Game Changers by Robyn Willey and Elizabeth Barlas were inspirational and challenged us to become involved with these life changing opportunities.

We were spoilt with an abundance of delicious food lovingly prepared by the ladies of both Narrogin and Wagin Aglow, thank you to all who contributed, you blessed us indeed!

ADELAIDE, SA - held 9th September

From Yvonne Amos, president of Noarlunga Aglow:

“This was a wonderful, encouraging, worshipful, educational, powerful, blessed day!

The day flowed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit; there was a great sense of unity under


The morning began with a call to worship by the blowing of two Shofars. This was followed by prayer and a ‘Welcome to Country’ by an indigenous woman.

Pastor Jenny Hagger, international intercessor and founder of House of Prayer for All Nations spoke with great clarity on the topic of hearing God’s voice. She gave examples from her own walk with God, how God spoke to his people in the Bible and also the different ways He speaks to us all today.

Jenny recounted an insight she had when she visited a winery in the area. While there, she had seen a poster of Winery Doors. As she was looking at it, God said that this is a picture for Aglow. There are many doors that we will go through, with His permission. On the other side he has new wine for us.

Two powerful testimonies were given by Jo and Robin. These two precious people were completely changed by the presence of the Lord in their life and gave powerful testimonies that touched many hearts. Jo (who has difficulty speaking out in a small group) spoke very confidently at the microphone. Later she said “I don’t know what came over me!” “The Holy Spirit” we all chorused!

When we were first asked as new presidents to organise and lead this day, I (Yvonne) trembled. God gave me the verse Isaiah 35: 3, 4 and He certainly steadied our knees, made us strong and not fearful, very peaceful in fact.”

More Regional Days are coming in October and November. For more details, see the events page of the Aglow International Australia website.

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