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A Taste of Aglow by the Sea

On Saturday 4th of May we were treated to a day of excellence in the Lord as Aglow gathered for the inaugural meeting of the new Coff’s Harbour Branch.

Hosted by NSW Mentor Robyn Fairbairn and attended by our National Leader Carol Price, Development Coordinator Helen Reardon as well as other Regional Branch Leaders and representatives, Aglow “By the Sea” was a time of blessing for all.

Every aspect of the day was steeped in divine beauty. From the words shared to the decorations on the tables. On each table were small, precious items symbolic of God’s Majesty and beauty:

Jesus ~ the Lantern in the centre of the Sea

Driftwood ~ from brokenness to wholeness

Pearls ~ result of healed wounds

Jewels ~ we are His special treasure!

Shells ~ refined

We received a wonderful word of exhortation to rejoice and dance. “Do not be dismayed for I am raising up Warriors.”

Carol encouraged Aglow to “bloom where you are planted” - every one of us is planted where we are for a reason.

Recurring themes throughout the day included words on Pearls. There were strings of pearls adorning the tables, precious gifts and Prophetic words given by Maggie including a tiny pearl and Gary’s Offering message ~ we are His special treasures!

We were exhorted to “Forget the former things, see I am doing a new thing” Isaiah 43:18, by several speakers; to let go of former successes and failures and be ready for what God is going to do next; It’s time to break out of the old. Simplicity was another theme picked up by several. From simple meetings in parks to little stones crafted with words of encouragement, less structured meetings and informal gatherings without an emphasis on guest speakers ~ We were encouraged to “Keep It simple”.”

There was also an emphasis on honouring people throughout the day. Special honorary mentions were given to Carol for steadying the ship through the storm; to Alice for her wonderful leadership at Maitland Aglow; Cate Lewis was honoured for her work in LHOP among the Aglow Branches and Robyn was honoured for the “Blessing Bombs” she drops everywhere she goes.

All in all, it was a wonderful day of blessing and as Carol said, “We are better together.”

We eagerly anticipate and look forward to all that God will do in and through Coffs Harbour Branch.


3 comentários

08 de jun.

Well done Linda and your friends at Coffs Harbour, for all the hard work, prayer and beautiful decorations ❤️❤️


03 de jun.

Well done everyone. Arise shine Coffs Harbour. Your time is now! ❤❤


Sue Da Silva
30 de mai.

What an absolute JOY to read this WONDERFUL report 💛. Sue Da Silva WA🔥

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