The Inside Story: with Elizabeth West, the new National Leader of Aglow Australia.
An inside look at the stories of those behind Aglow Australia.
The following article is a new entry to Aglow Australia’s newsletter, where we’ll be taking an inside look at the lives we love, perhaps only heard about, or may not even know at all. Mentors, leaders, and you, who, together, form the wider, magnificent story of Aglow Australia today.
The first interview is with Elizabeth West, of whom is Aglow’s new National Leader. A longer article than will be usual, only because there’ll be many of us who would value getting to know her more.

Q: First, is it Elizabeth or Liz?
A: Ha! Whatever you prefer – I love what Elizabeth means (Consecrated to God), however, I’m widely known as Liz.
Q: What is your family background?
A: I grew up in Canberra and was part of a large family of seven which comprised five children. I was the eldest, followed by four brothers. It was an environment that was loud, very real, and to this day, my siblings and I remain close. Both my parents are now with the Lord, with my mother passing 1.5 years ago.
Q: Where have you lived in your life?
A: The Lord has always called my family to the nations, first in business, then later in missions. My father was in Foreign Affairs and served as the Australian Consul in South African, and Vice Consul in the Philippines. I was only a small child, however, it become an environment that in time, proved to present vastly different values that weren’t shared by my parents, and subsequently, we returned to Canberra.
It was then in my late teens, the Lord spoke clearly that we were to transition into missions by joining Youth with a Mission (YWAM) in Hawaii, which remains their headquarters today (how many times did I field comments about being a missionary with a surfboard!). It wasn’t a destination we would have chosen, but as a gateway to the nations, it became a clear lead.
We remained there for two years and proved to be a pinnacle turning point in all our lives. It deposited a significant Kingdom world view in our hearts, and it was the key that turned my life around in more ways than one.
Q: What Involvement have You had in Missions to Date?
A: I completed a Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Hawaii during that time with family, of which I also had the joy of joining with other YWAM missionaries, who travelled with Melody Green and those from Last Day Ministries throughout the mainland, shortly after the passing of her husband, gospel singer, Keith Green to promote his passion for missions. It was an incredible time, given Billy Graham Productions had recorded his last concert ever (the only concert Keith permitted to be filmed), and were, therefore, able to show excerpts of that to reinforce the call for missions.
Later in life, I returned to Hawaii to help staff a DTS and had the privilege of leading a team to Rwanda for a few months, setting up make-shift dental clinics given we had a dentist on the team. (The stories I could tell of worms in water, bucket bathing and working in a country – let alone a continent – rife in witchcraft.)
As always though, where it’s darker, the Lord’s glory shines brighter, where His grace and demonstrations of His faithful presence and leading were remarkable.
I then returned to Australia and began a career in advertising, which unbeknown to me at the time was entirely God-led.
Q: Tell us a little about what you do in business?
A: For over 25 years I was in commercial advertising here in Sydney. It’s very much a cut-throat industry so I learned the hard way to survive and juggle hard, but it gave me firm disciplines and a skill set that, ultimately, was all part of the Lord’s school of training for what was ahead.
Later, after two years as Gloria Jean’s Coffees marketing manager, the Lord then transitioned me into the Kingdom space, where I joined an American marketing and fundraising Christian company, headquartered in Dallas and having an office here in Sydney too.
Still serving the two regions today, for the past 15 years I’ve had the privilege of helping ministries, churches, Christian organisations (and even the occasional unknown presidential candidate!), empower their voices so that by increasing donations, they can ultimately see their vision fulfilled. All Kingdom work.
It’s a partnership with the Lord, where over time, I’ve learned how to wait upon Him to hear and see His strategic blueprint for these ministries. It continues to humble me by how personal and how intentional the Lord is with each of them, as never once, has there been a repeat of a client’s strategy over this whole 15 year period. Only Him.
Q: What drives you?
A: There are two parts that almost contradict the other, being a warrior (for His Kingdom) with a deep compassion for humanity. I’m an evangelist at heart, which is all a curious mix for a marketer! I’m absolutely empowered when I can boast on Him, by being used in situations that have opened up space for the Lord to step in and rescue lives, often in their eleventh hour.
My greatest cry is ‘to see those who the world doesn’t want to see,’ and in doing so, present Jesus.
He is such a rescuer; a pursuer of the one, where He’s given me countless stories of occasions that were in fact divine appointments. Whether that was being suddenly called to a check-in counter at a U.S. airport and given a first-class upgrade (I don’t travel enough domestically in the States to warrant that) only to have a person in crisis sit next to me; or a young woman at Starbucks sitting with large sunglasses on, wiping away big fat tears who was saying to the Lord at that very time, she’d “come to the end of her road,” and was considering suicide. Or of an elderly woman in hospital behind a closed door because her mind had gone and aggressive if touched, ‘bleating’ continuously, upon which the Lord intervened and ask that she be sung to. (I must admit I immediately scanned the corridor grateful it was after visitor’s hours!) The instant I did, she was immediately silent for the first time in her weeks of being admitted. As I slowly walked in, here she was in a fetal position where our eyes locked, to which the Lord asked me to use her name in this particular song.
She had high fear, and at the Lord’s leading, shared that she didn’t have to use words but just in her heart, ask Him into her life. The assignment was then over, and the Lord led me out, to which I heard she died just days later.
Can I tell you just one more?
A woman recently accidentally reversed into my car. It was late one Friday evening and on Monday morning I had an unexpected knock at my door. Here was this lady standing there timid and apologetic, asking to come in. Sitting, she tells me that she’s having her 16th bout of chemo, just about to start radiation, has insomnia and severe depression. I suddenly realized this wasn’t an accident but an appointment. As she was Chinese, I said that while we may share different faiths, that I believed in Jesus and asked to pray for her. Her eyes became wide and began to weep, telling me that “her husband used to be a Buddhist, but is now a born-again Christian and believes in Jesus.”
THIS my friends, is our God!! It just thrills me beyond measure.
Q: Your mother was part of Aglow, wasn’t she?
A: Yes. With risk of this sounding a little repetitious as it’s been shared before, she was Canberra’s first Aglow President under Joan Morton, and later asked to become National President herself, as it was known in those days. The Lord, however, had other plans at the time.
Q: Was your appointment as Aglow Australia’s National Leader a difficult one to make?
A: It wasn’t one I saw coming and the biggest thing for me, was to ensure it was right. It had to be His appointment and in His timing, so it’s with a deep thanks to Carol and the Board who understood and patiently waited (and waited). The Lord was aligning in many ways, not just for what needed to be established practically, but equally, for all Aglow Partners because of the grief and adjustment of recent times past, which includes mine at the sudden loss of my mother.
I love how He’s a Father first.
A: What do you sense for Aglow now?
Q: I think it’s what I’ve shared previously. That He’s changing the direction – not who we are as intercessors as that position will be amplified for what’s ahead – but to influence and establish His Kingdom purposes within those spheres of influence. The ‘Seven Mountains,’ of Faith, Family, Government, Media, Education, Business and Entertainment.
As we’ve long said, it’s a new day. And in that, Aglow is to now arise in the equipping of His new mantle and purpose.
But it’s all in His time. His way. There’s a season for everything and I’m currently in a season of learning. That said, however, I’m aware of the gear change and a steady current that’s keeping me moving forward.
Q: Any final thoughts?
A: A heartfelt thanks to all of you; to Carol, our Board, leaders, mentors, management and ministry teams – and particularly you, our Global Partners who are the very essence of Aglow Australia.
We are truly carriers of His presence and a collective influence for Him that I believe won’t only be relegated to Australia, but in time as He leads, to work as one in partnership with wider Aglow, the Body, and other ministry partnerships to achieve His purposes. All for a time such as this.