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Samoa Povey shares with us the stretching and blessing she is experiencing as she goes higher in God

Samoa Povey

I said to the Lord. This is a unique time. It’s a new era. This is the beginning of a new walk, and I am going to trust you. I am going to step out today and I will learn to trust you.

Friday morning, 17th June, 3 of us Tuana, Karen and I travelled to Brisbane for an exciting meeting, “Isaiah 19 Highway Seminar,” by Pastor Ben Gray with the Inner Brisbane Aglow family and all the others from all over Queensland. Flight ETD 9am.

I had a confirmed ticket, but my two sisters had standby tickets. Our flight was called, and I got on, but Tuana and Karen did not. It turned out the flight was full of passengers from previous flights. They were not the only ones on stand bye.

I arrived in Brisbane airport at 1130am, and our plan was to take the Air-train to Gold Coast where we were going to stay with Tuana’s daughter.

As I stepped out the aircraft in Brisbane I said to the Lord. It’s not going according to our man-made plan, but this is a new era, the beginning of a new walk and I am going to trust you with all.

So, when Tuana [contacted me on] WhatsApp with, “Sorry sis, they booked us on the next flight. Are you able to wait at Brisbane airport for us?”

I responded, “Awesome! Praise God! Yes, I will wait.

Good time for quiet time with Father.

No worries, Father’s teaching me to walk in Rest! This encouraged Tuana. She was at Rest too. Praise God.

I picked up my suitcase and went to find a nice spot in the little cafe inside the Brisbane airport.

When I got to the cafe there was a nice cosy little corner, it was all prepared ready and waiting for me to sit down.

In that very moment, I felt so looked after. Father was showering me with His loving Kindness. I could sense His Presence all around me. This brought tears to my eyes. His Banner over me is love.

All the time I am in conversation with Holy Spirit. I feel so good, so calm, and so excited in my spirit. I’m saying, “You are Wonderful, You are Beautiful, You are so kind to me. You are looking after me.

This is a unique time, a very special meeting “Isaiah 19 Highway Seminar,” is going to happen tomorrow and I am here in the right place, at the right time.

Tuana made it to Brisbane on the early bird the next day. I was so excited. Father is in control.

And what a beautiful and lovely meeting with Aglow Inner Brisbane.

Wow! What a powerful and inspiring, faith filled message from Ps Ben Gray on the Isaiah 19 Highway, “Looking through the Isaiah 19:25 window.’

I am saying yes to walk in this new move, yes to fresh baptism of fire, fresh faith, new ointment on my eyes, lips desiring fresh oil and softener on my heart, to soften my heart in every circumstance.

WORSHIP is the key because it softens the heart and makes reconciliation possible. Father desires a humble believer. To Come with soft hearts, softened hearts, full of kindness, mercy, and compassion - Isaiah 62:10

Look through this window. Oh, this really spoke to me. Thank you Lord!

How Amazing is our God!

In His great kindness He’s been wooing us to the place of All In.

Shalom! Shalom! 🍃🕊🍃

Samoa Povey



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