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Robyn Carron shares how Dandenong Aglow is Growing with God.

Robyn Carron

These are certainly interesting times and I'm so glad we have embraced the zoom technology. Throughout lockdown in Victoria, it held us together. Meeting fortnightly over zoom once we opened up, we were off and running catching up with family and friends. Of course we finally did gather together in a park in December 2021, the format of old has certainly blown away as we have navigated our way through. Our leadership team of three has been together unchanged for many, many years and we felt very strongly to meet in person before commencing our Aglow year 2022 on a weekly basis for prayer and fellowship in January and February. Much to our delight a long-term global partner and member of Dandenong indicated to us she felt called to come onto the leadership team, we welcomed Sue with open arms. The four of us do not live close by and in fact Sue is off travelling around Australia with her husband and Sally is often in country Victoria caring for her mum. Sometimes we have all met over dinner and other times there is one or two of the team joining in via zoom on the laptop on the dining room table, while the rest of us meet in person BUT at least we are all together.

Life has been challenging and there is no need to go into any of that, but we have all persevered and embraced what National has been unfolding to us with the weekly zooms. We cannot all get on to the zoom platform for everything and we warmly welcome the recordings that National emails to us. I love how it gets us connected, informed, and focused. This year our March, April and June Branch gatherings were over zoom and in May we met for a wonderful catch-up face to face over soup and croissants at my home which was just delightful!! In July we will do that again for worship and prayer.

A few of us attended the teachings of Ben Gray [Isaiah 19 Highway] and I highly recommend that you take the opportunity to attend if you can in your state. An expansion of vision and gaining a deeper understanding is what I felt was happening on that day.

I am particularly thrilled to know that there are a few people gathering under the banner of Aglow in Hobart, Moe, and Lakes Entrance. Some of us in Dandenong have travelled and prayed into these areas along with others from Aglow. I have loved seeing the faces of these people over zoom. I even got to give Margaret from Lakes Entrance a hug when she travelled a long way to attend Ben Gray in Altona.

It's been tough and there have been times of despondency but I'm so grateful for Aglow. So grateful for the leadership of Aglow, and to our precious Kerry-Ellen who encouraged us, mentored us, and led us. Kerry-Ellen, we have many wonderful memories of your love, joy, laughter, wisdom, guidance, and grace and look forward to seeing you once again - perhaps over zoom!!

Thankyou Kerry-Ellen and we continue to pray for your full recovery. Thank You to the Board, the Management Team and to our State Mentors.

Much love to all Robyn Carron President Dandenong



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