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Redigging the Well in Ipswich

Margaret Lyle

Four years ago, the Holy Spirit spoke to Marg Lyle about redigging 'Aglow' wells across Australia (Genesis 26:12-29).

Paul’s words to the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians‬ ‭16‬:‭9‬ was the word Holy Spirit gave us for Ipswich. “There’s an amazing door of opportunity standing wide open for me to minister here, even though there are many who oppose and stand against me.” ‭‭ ‭TPT‬‬.

This word is for both Aglow and the Ecclesia 

Praise God, a team of seven people travelled from Victoria to attend the Outreach at the Oasis Church of Christ, Bundamba, Ipswich. Six were from East Gippsland Aglow (Vic) There were over 55 in attendance on 25th May, 22 of them Aglow members.

We had an amazing time of worship lead by Pastor Lee from Oasis Church and Rebekah Axe (from Bairnsdale, Victoria). Pastor Lee also shared her heart for the unsaved women in the area and played a song the Lord had downloaded to her about ‘Gods love for the lost’.

Sandra Fidock spoke and laid a foundation of how God had worked in her life and through the ministry of Aglow. Sandra later commented that she believed the greatest thing she saw at the Outreach was the pastors (hosting Aglow) drinking in living water full of love and encouragement. For Sandra personally it was a joy to have her daughter and granddaughter with her on the day. 

Shauna Dunne (Caboolture Aglow) shared about how God has moved in her life through Aglow. How He’d sustained her through years of trials and great grief. Shauna’s 13-year-old granddaughter attended. This young woman wept during her grandmother's testimony. Holy Spirit presence was all over her.

We believe Holy Spirit was showing us that God has prepared the next generation of Aglow women to take up the call.

Tricia Simmons (Brisbane Aglow) spoke explaining the purpose and history of Aglow. Many of the people present had not heard of Aglow prior to the Outreach.

Tricia and Colin Brown (Aglow Executive board member) lead us beautifully in communion and Tricia then introduced the ‘Men of Aglow’ segment. She asked four men to share their experience in Aglow. 

The corporate prayers and intercession from Aglow, coordinated by Val Cairncross (Toowoomba Aglow), provided the spiritual covering for this outreach. Val said, “A great day all round. It was lovely to meet Ps Mark and Lee and I look forward to meeting up with them sometime soon and follow up on what was established on the day.  In the unseen realm… haha it was stirred up for sure. It was so precious meeting new people and reconnecting with friends”.

God answers prayer ... We had been praying Holy Spirit would bring women to the meeting that had previously been in Ipswich Aglow. At the end of the meeting the past president of Ipswich Aglow walked in the door. We were so excited to see her again. She had just returned from living overseas.

For many years Brisbane Aglow have been a prayer covering for new Aglow branches. They have dug new wells and redug old wells with their prayers. We so appreciate the women and men of Aglow.  God is at work in this nation. God is so good. Following the Holy Spirit's leading, wells have been redug in East Gippsland, and Ipswich. Let us not forget the Regional day in Coffs Harbour - another well of living water flowing. We are believing that this redug well in Ipswich will become an Aglow branch, sharing the gospel and building the Kingdom in this area, helping local churches to be a beacon of God's light and hope in this community.

We give God all honour and glory for the work he is doing at Oasis Church Bundamba and the Ipswich area. In an oasis, when there is a stream of living water, the harvest will be abundant.


Liz, Marg and the Aglow Ipswich team


1 Comment

Jun 28, 2024

Wonderful , so encouraging

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