Redcliffe Qld Aglow Relaunched
Lorri Walker and Lea Lasker (sisters) with the support of Keith Walker hosted the relaunch of Redcliffe Aglow on Tuesday 30 July. With a delicious morning tea they welcomed 32 beloved lovers of God hungry to hear what was on His heart. Lorri Shared about Aglow Global followed by what they sensed was on God's heart for Redcliffe Aglow. "Starting from His place of Rest", "cheering each other on for such a time as this," " awakening together " and John 17 were common themes. Nearby local Aglow groups showed their support and worship was spontaneous and united with harp and bowl activity and prophetic encouragement. His tangible presence was felt along with a sense of anticipation with what God has planned for this area.
Meetings will be monthly and our second one was held on Tuesday 27th August at St Anne's Hall, 180 Mein Street, Scarborough.
Lorri Walker
Aglow Redcliffe
