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Listen - Can you hear what I am saying?

Amidst, all the wonderful preparations towards our meeting, there was a message God was sending. He was saying, "Listen. Can you hear what I am saying?"

From the initial 8 people travelling to Townsville from Cairns, there was now 3 of us...When I said to my team, we will leave at 6am, we left at 7am....When the person planned to lead worship died in the Greyhound accident, things turned up a notch higher....When the funeral happened to be on the same day as the Isaiah 19 meeting .... "What are you saying Father?"

He was saying, "Listen. Come As you are. Prayerfully Step into the unknown and cooperate with My plan. Choose my foolishness and grab it in strength. (1 Corinthians 1:25). Sync with My heart. Be in alignment with Me. (Zechariah 4:6) Simply surrender and learn to trust Me. Be vulnerable. Give Me Your load and take mine, mine is light. Simply come!" Isaiah did it well. He got the burning desire, the burning lips. (Isaiah 6:6).

Faith is the key that unlocks. This faith has no emoji. Faith shows the reality of what we hope for, the evidence of things we cannot see. (Hebrews 11:1). The person who has hope has authority and influence. 

What a powerful meeting we had. Pastor Ben spoke and taught from Isaiah 19 with fresh insights and revelation. The Spirit of God opened our spiritual ears to hear and eyes to see our need to be "doctrinally diligent." 

To be able to look through the Isaiah 19-25 window. What a love story!  HIS Love story, the Egyptians, Assyrians, and the Jews together with the spiritual sons and daughters of faith through the cross and resurrection of Jesus. 

Our Lord Who delights in kindness amazed us, and He continues to do so. 

The worship led by Bronwyn was just precious and Holy Spirit inspired. 

As the reality of God's Kingdom is emerging, God is beckoning us today to simply "come as you are". Each one has something to give from deep within. The Worship of Jesus is key. Prayer and worship - like a dance-waltz before the Lord. We hold the key to worship - the intimacy in relationship! Worship softens the heart and enables reconciliation possible. (Isaiah 62:10). Come with your heart softened before God.  

My takeaway:

It is Isaiah 19 time now. This Isaiah 19 Highway (me) is under construction. This highway of holiness is about people. It must start in our heart. I want to be where His feet come to land. The Worship of Jesus is key on this highway because worship softens the heart. Step in and take it by force. (Mathew 11:12).

Today The Holy Spirit Is Brooding.

Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God! (Matthew 5:8)

I want to say, "Big thanks to Maria/Bronwyn and Aglow Townsville" for accommodating us. This is one of the unique things I love about Aglow. Where there is an Aglow group in that place you have Family there. I love you girls for your hospitality, full of kindness and compassion. 

May God bless you richly.💖

Samoa Povey

Leader, Aglow Cairns



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