ISAIAH 19 Seminar held in Brisbane on Saturday, 18 June 2022.
Patricia Simmons Leader of Brisbane Aglow shares with us about this wonderful day of teaching and fellowship.

Forty people gathered together on a beautiful Queensland winter’s day at the Greenslopes Baptist Church to be informed, inspired and challenged by Ben Gray as he shared the revelation knowledge imparted to him by God on this very significant chapter in the book of Isaiah.
Several people travelled a considerable distance to attend the Seminar, including from Toowoomba, Warwick, the Gold Coast, and even from as far away as Cairns - what a blessing it was to meet up again in person with Samoa Povey and Tuana Chapman. Many participants remarked how lovely it was to be actually able to meet with friends face-to-face after what seems such a long time of being unable to do so, as we spent time in precious fellowship during the lunch and tea breaks.
Following the initial welcome by Patricia, and opening prayer by Val Cairncross (one of our Queensland mentors), we were led in a beautiful time of praise and worship by Sharon Iseppi from Warwick, and her friend, Liz, from Toowoomba. We were especially blessed by the fact that Pastor Ben is a Brisbane “local” and he was able to have his lovely wife, Liz, accompanying him at this Seminar, and also assisting us by operating his slide presentation illustrating his teaching.
Ben’s teaching and the opening up of this passage of Scripture more than met our expectations. His passion for imparting his knowledge of the Word, backed up by his wealth of experience in travelling through the nations concerned, teaching, praying and meeting with leaders, Christians and people of other faiths, challenged us to think afresh on God’s purposes and plans, not just in that part of the world, but also in our own hearts in order to keep our focus on heaven’s agenda and to know what is our part in His Kingdom transformation.
Most significantly Ben showed us that the Isaiah highway taking shape today (mostly out of sight and away from the world’s media) is one constructed of KINGDOM WORSHIPPERS, and as God’s people, we must step into the battle for the advancement of His Kingdom here on earth! Praise God that as women and men of Aglow we have been called to play our part in ushering in this Kingdom. Ben’s parting challenge was to seek God for what this means for us individually in relation to the peoples of the three areas of the descendants of Abraham that are encompassed by the Isaiah 19:25 window.
Patricia Simmons