Isaiah 19 Highway

Our Isaiah 19 Highway Day began wet and cold, but this did not deter the 64 attendees who arrived to soak in the powerful Presence of the Lord and to receive Pastor Ben's revelation on Isaiah 19. With the sound of a Shofar gathering the people together last Saturday, we experienced the glory of His presence as the generations, women, and men, young and old worshipped the King of Glory on their knees, waving banners, tears flowing freely, unashamedly, with surrendered hearts.... all in one accord. There was such an awe, the atmosphere was charged with His goodness.... making a place in our hearts for His Word to be fully received through Pastor Ben. We were to learn that day that Worship is key...."worship softens the heart of people where conversations can't."
Those gathered were totally engaged with the Word throughout the entirety of the day. They had never heard anything preached on Isaiah 19 before and the more Pastor Ben unpacked Isaiah 19, the more they wanted. It was a pivotal day for Aglow Bundaberg, and we will move forward having looked through the Isaiah 19:25 window with a new perspective of God's plan for heaven to come to earth in this area of the nations. How very [privileged we were to participate in this day and to hear this teaching! Our takeaway line...."Worship with soft hearts. Be kind! Be hospitable! Be merciful, full of compassion & love! Worship is key!"
The rain did keep some away and others were caught up with special things that required their attention.... there were quite a few apologies. But how wonderful to see 64 people from our region gathering together.
Sarah Scherer and her husband Wade (yes! my lovely son and his wife) took over several key areas so that I didn't have to be concerned - like the printing of the booklets. They were so well received by the attendees and helped to keep each one engaged with all that Pastor Ben was sharing. Sarah organized the projector for the day and worked with Pastor Ben all day as each "slide" was required on the screen. Sarah also came to me the week prior and talked to me about the songs and with tears in her eyes, shared songs the Lord had been placing on her heart for the day. (I knew this was Holy Spirit inspired!) They were just wonderful songs, honouring and exalting the Name of our Jesus. So much feedback has followed about the Presence of God as we worshipped together. We just simply had our music played over the sound worship team as such. The Lord challenged me to trust Him and not do something "different or "special"" just because it was a different day from normal meeting day.
We had wonderful teams of people (women and men) baking homemade items for morning tea, making tea and coffee, serving, welcoming, ministering wherever there was a need, cleaning up at the end. We truly worked together - hearts were exposed on this amazing day. (These people were here to honour the Lord and to serve His people.) My Kev acted as chauffeur for Pastor Ben all weekend. Gary and Helen so enjoyed being with us......and we were to learn over the weekend, that Gary and my Kev are related! Gary was visiting relatives in Bundaberg who are related to Kev's beloved grandmother (who has long since passed) but how amazing - such a small world!!!! Samoa Povey was with us also for three days and nights. What a blessing for us all. Samoa served on the door with our young ones and was so well received as she welcomed our guests. Samoa and I were then privileged to take Pastor Ben for dinner in the evening and to hear even further of his journeys into the Middle East etc. It was like the cherry on top of our "cake".
So, with a grateful heart, I can truly say that Bundaberg was honoured to host the Isaiah 19 Highway.
With love and blessings,
Gaylene Scherer Leader AGLOW BUNDABERG