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COME TO THE WATER - Portland Regional Day

...whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.

Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of living water welling up to eternal life.

  John 4:14

On August 17, 49 gathered in Portland, Victoria for the very first Regional Day in this area. Portland was the first European settlement in Victoria in 1840. The Holy Spirit visited Portland in1870, the first time recorded in Australia.

Sandy Gray led us beautifully in Worship and we were quickly ushered into the Lord's presence. A precious time.

Robyn Axisa declared and decreed that the Holy Spirit would come again with the goodness of God and drive out all the darkness.

After lunch De spoke of what the Lord has been showing her through dreams and visions. She shared about the awe of God falling on the Earth and that we must get our relationship with the Holy Spirit in order before the next big move of God or we may miss out or be cut off. Such an encouraging and timely word.

It was a fabulous day to share with one another which was sealed with communion.

Sharron Wyllie


Portland Aglow



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