Coffs Harbour - A Planting of the Lord!
Aglow Coffs Harbour held its inaugural meeting on Wednesday 17th July, 2024. It was attended by 15 people who were all very keen to see Aglow return to Coffs Harbour. Terry and Wendy O'Reilly led worship, and we entered into the Lord's presence.
There were two past presidents in the meeting, Di Skinner and Maureen Saddleton. We honoured these two women for the part they had played in the foundation and legacy of Aglow. I shared the vision that the Lord had given me......that there was a firm foundation, but He was building a different house.
I also spoke about how we don't always know the full results of little things we do. The Lord reminded me of a cutting of coleus I had given a friend years ago. On one of my visits to her home, she showed me how she had taken cuttings from the original cutting. She had planted them all over their property and covered a hillside with coleus. It was beautiful.
We finished with lunch and celebrated together.
Linda Adams
Aglow Coffs Harbour
