Chadstone Aglow celebrates 40 years.
Cheryl Skyllas from Chadstone Aglow shares with us the highlights of their special day.
We had a lovely 40th celebration on Friday the 11th of February 2022. Twenty five of us gathered at the Melbourne Fijian Uniting Church St Marks Chadstone. We had a lovely cool day for our celebration. A welcome and address was made by our leader Muriel VanTwest followed by prayer for Australia and singing.
We enjoyed a video message from our National Leader Kerry-Ellen, thank you Kerry-Ellen!
Joy Milverton and Heather McKenna spoke on Chadstone's beginnings and early days. The certificate of Branch Affliation is dated 27th February 1981 so we were really celebrating 41 years of Chadstone Aglow! Teressa Horvath gave a talk on the significance of the number 40 in the bible.
Carmel Barker our Mentor spoke and Ruth Leon (who was unable to attend) sent us verse John 1:16 and her best wishes. Offering and prayer was done by Margaret Lee, Philippians early in chapter 1 about partnership and Abrahams spiritual partnership with God was the theme of the Global Partnership talk given by Cheryl Skyllas. We then joined arms together and sang some more songs.
Major (Rtd) Allan Laurens, our former Advisor said a prayer over Muriel and said she was Chadstone's Leader for 'such a time as this'. Allan also prayed The Lord's Prayer to end the celebration.
We shared a very tasty catered lunch in the church hall. Our celebration cake was cut by current President Muriel VanTwest, assisted by Joy Milverton and Robyn Jansen both previous Presidents at Aglow Chadstone. We did miss our dearly loved President Kathleen Rankin. Much conversation followed and many stories were shared.
A lovely time was had by all those there.
