Aglow in Cairns hosted a 2-day Game Changers conference, where Riekie (Aglow Australia Game Changers Co-ordinator) led sessions using her testimony to show how life experiences relate to Graham Cooke's 21st Century Game Changers book. The conference impacted many and we had a life changing time in God.
Here are some comments from people who attended:
Samoa Povey:
"The 2 days Gamechanger’s meeting was so powerful and beautiful. We had 8 ladies travel in from Townsville Aglow. Oh, it was so beautiful. What a delight!
"For me, I felt that God had brought Riekie personally for me. Father was speaking to me as Riekie was sharing her testimony. It encouraged and challenged me to stand up tall reminding me who my Father is, to share my testimony, for I am a Game Changer. I should not be afraid. There was such a deep strength and power emanating from Riekie as she stood to share. Wow! Father’s love pouring out through the testimonies was incredible. I felt strengthened and refreshed, encouraged. And I remember the testimony of Jesus (revelation 19:10) as Riekie was testifying, worship God, for the testimony of Jesus is Spirit of prophecy. Father’s Presence was beautiful, lovely, amazing. And that is All that matters. His Presence. And I couldn’t stop the tears.
Thank You Lord for Riekie and Game Changers! Thank you for Aglow International."
Lesley Gabey:
"My thoughts for the Game Changers - I didn't know what to expect but I was really and truly pleasantly surprised at the content of each session that the Presenter, Riekie Dalm delivered. I think the openness and honesty was so beautiful, because she is exactly who God wants her to be and not who she or anybody else wants her to be, she is the essence of freedom in Christ Jesus. I loved the session on Identity, both Physically and Spiritually. I was truly blessed with the two-day Presentation. Thank you Riekie, you and the Game Changers sessions were an absolute blessing to/for me. Thank You Lord for being a part of AGLOW. "
Phyllis Reid:
"I enjoyed the whole weekend.
Even though I had read Game Changers book a few times, the way Riekie explained the meaning of Game Changer’s, opened up a whole new meaning of what Game Changers was about. I enjoyed the Praise and Worship with everybody joining in the dancing. I loved it."
Sherry Michael:
"The relevance of Riekie's life story was not evident till the second day, and only people who had lived through something similar, would be able to relate to what Rickie was saying.
It was right up my street as I could relate it to everything she had been through. It was like God had brought Rickie to Cairns, just for me."
Rachel Kim:
It was so good and powerful. Riekie’s testimony was so powerful. Her testimony was really a Game Changer. Also, the testimony of Jesus is Spirit of prophecy. It happened to her; it will happen to us to be a Game Changer. On the first day, the soaking time was so good too, precious."
Ruth Bortolotto:
"A wonderful 4 days travelling to Cairns with 6 Aglow ladies, the greeting by Samoa in her beautiful home and garden; where the playing of the organ by Chris for our prayer and praise, where many Christian women added their lovely voices.
"We have been studying “Game Changers” but Riekie introducing it to us in stages will enrich our Christian lives as we continue to study it so we reach the deepest understanding.
"I am thankful to everyone for the wonderful warmth enthusiasm, surroundings, music, food, knowledge and Christian companionship."
Maria Curro:
"I felt the weekend was definitely a Game Changer and a Mind Changer. I found it so refreshing and so encouraging. I realised how important and how refreshing it is to share our story. Giving testimony to how God is working in us, behind the scenes, weaving together our times of happiness into our times of sadness, bringing His balance into our lives.
"I have known and seen Riekie over the years, heard her speak about the importance of change, but actually hearing Riekie speak about her personal journey and how God was with her through her most Life Changing moments, at her highest and at her lowest moments, gave me a new understanding and a new level of friendship with Reikie, the Woman of God. Yes, the Game Changers weekend was very different to how I imagined. I was thinking, it was going to be more, ‘Teaching by the Book’, method, but I realised that, how important is for us to share our story, to understand that our circumstances in life do not define our true identity as Christians.
"This weekend highlighted our personal DNA as God’s children, opens our Sisterhood and Brotherhood with Jesus and the fullness of our DNA through the Wisdom and Understanding through The Holy Spirit. The Game Changers weekend has really encouraged both myself and all the ladies from Townsville, to start again with a fresh understanding of the importance of our Game Changers Handbook, not only as a guide, but as our Life Study in a Bible Study and the importance of completing and sharing with each other the Summaries of each chapter of our manuals. I also felt Game Changers Weekend highlighted the importance of our DNA of our Individual Aglow Branches and the importance of personal communication between our branches. We are One, yet we are Many in the DNA of Aglow.
"The presence of the Holy Spirit was so beautiful. I just loved the combination of the Praise and Worship and the Soaking Music played by Chris on his keyboard. God’s holy blessings was definitely empowering heavenly sounds that came out of the keyboard.
"Game Changers Weekend was like a Defibrillator Moment, for me. I came home feeling energised and encouraged. Thank you for the very special spiritual fellowship, that Aglow is so well known for.
As I read Colossians 4:6 ‘Let your speech always be with Grace, seasoned with Salt, that you may know how to answer each other.’
“I felt this confirmed our Game Changers weekend as being part of our new structure, building upon our sure and solid foundation of The Holy Spirit. It is a time of not only receiving, but for giving and sharing."