A wonderful time of blessing was enjoyed in Cleve South Australia.
A wonderful time was held in the town of Cleve South Australia in June where the Lord came and blessed everyone there. There were many encouraging words and visions from the people praying for this event, which were fulfilled.
The main word which came through was that the ground was cracked and dry. With large, open cracks in the dirt that was so thirsty for rain. Then the Lord sent the rain, and it filled the cracks and the dry earth and rivers of living water flowed through the land around Cleve and through the town. Annette Siviour saw the river running down the main road through the centre of town and running off to all the other streets of town which are joined to the main street. The Holy Spirit flowed through this place! Many heard the Lion Roar over Cleve, and this was a song we chose to dance to on Saturday afternoon. Jesus definitely Roared! Disunity was broken off, witchcraft gone, control gone, and many other strongholds removed. Unity was restored, and we believe those that promised to draw the town together with the love of our Lord.

There was a great joy as we said hello to Samoa from Cairns, Pam Eliason and Sandy Gray from Tongala, Victoria, also, Barbara and Brian from Shepperton Vic, Maureen Hutton from Vic and then [we were] totally spoilt as friends from Adelaide, Yvonne Amos, Ingrid Bartlett, Julie Hill, Kerry, Kay Geddes, Helen Tyler, and Heidi arrived. So much love, support, help and advice from people there each day. All age groups were there again, 49 attended on Friday night and 35 on Saturday.
Friday was a special start with Annette singing and praying over us all and the Lord gave me John 1:1-5 to read over the meeting, verse 5 says "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it." Hallelujah.
Helen Tyler was there to share the vision again as it was given to her. So very special for us and for her to be there this time. Worship was absolutely something I am pleased I didn't miss. It was beautiful and led by Sandy Gray and the Holy Spirit. Sandy continued to bless us over the weekend and onwards into this week as well. Tim and Heidi Coleman spoke on Friday evening and their testimonies were very inspiring. Ingrid shared about Words of Knowledge, and many were prayed for that evening with healings. [there was] so much joy and fellowship as well.
Saturday started with song, a reading from Isaiah 43 v 18-21 “Behold I will do a new thing”, and prayer which was so very special from Annette. A word was given from Dene Cummings which was "God loves you, God loves you, God loves you" and it brought many to tears, he spoke about the love of God for us. Then Sandy sang Gods love over us prophetically. I was smiling as the word I was bringing was headed “God Loves me and He loves you too". So special how He ties it all together.
I gave my testimony and prayed for hearts to be healed and captivated, and to be reset for the Lord.
Isaiah 55 was also read out and Corinthians 13 and so many other precious beautiful words.
A beautiful women Steph O'Toole gave her testimony which was powerful and then Steph and her husband Jaxon prayed for people, back problems and hearts were healed. God is good.
After lunch we were lead in Prophetic dancing by Helen and it was wonderful to see people able to be free in the spirit, it was so much fun and joy also. Then [we had] a fire tunnel, and then Barbara put out her flag of the river and we stood the 12 people from Cleve itself in it. Then we prayed for them. A powerful time of prayer for the town and its people followed, this now a blessed place!

People continued to stay, sitting around as they were praying with each other, we had another cuppa and more fellowship. People slowly left and we packed up after another blessed and Holy Spirit lead time together.
I would love to make special mention of some people, but I won’t, they know who they are. Annette and I just loved your precious support over these 2 days, thank you.
Brian (my husband) was a great assistant all weekend with the IT side, setting up and packing up and just loving me through it all. It is so precious to be walking together with the Lord in this vision.
As we made our ways home God was still working in us and the town of Cleve. He never stops working and it is a joy and privilege to do His work with Him.
More Lord More, is what we say.
