A Royal Wedding celebration was held in Streaky Bay.
Our time at Streaky Bay began with the planning and God was in it all. From the notices to the decorations and the days spent together, before and after. When I was praying before He showed me a plane with the big notice flying out the back and it read, "You are Invited" so we put that on the top of the notices. He also said to use this heading for all events and gatherings we hold in the future. When I first spoke about it to Heidi my Pastor she said that sounds like a wedding invite. And when I was working the notice out with Maureen she also said the same.
So a theme was born from these comments and we decorated for a wedding and even had the most beautiful wedding cake as well.
The cake was crowned with 2 crowns, it was in 2 layers, and in between were 3 beautiful golden glasses that were half red to signify the blood of Jesus, the 3 glasses signified the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and there was from the bottom layer to top layer a step to also signify we do have to step up and get ready for the Groom. The flowers on the cake were only white to signify the spotless Bride.
We decorated with white lace curtains everywhere around the walls, lace covers on tables and beautiful lights everywhere too.
We gave honour to the Groom as we worshipped and as different people spoke they spoke on what the "Wedding" theme meant to them and to us. One lady called Charmaine Siemek from Elliston said "When Denise asked me to speak and it was about the wedding, I had just finished a study on Jewish weddings in the Old Testament and so I got my notes out and prepared this talk." And it was amazing. Get those oil lamps filled peoples as we need to be ready.
Tim and Heidi Coleman, Pastors of the CRC Family Church who help at each of these events and are a wonderful caring couple who love to pray for everyone, their words were gold. Heidi helped the men to understand the women's point of view of the wedding (getting ready, the joy and excitement etc) And then she turned it around in a beautiful way to help the men understand their feelings also and it had an amazing impact. She spoke of brotherhood in war times and no matter what we would lay our lives down for our friends, our buddy's and loved ones. She spoke of the glorious homecoming and the emotions as people return from war and turned it into a wedding with Jesus. It was powerful. Can't explain it as well as she did but it was so good to be there and hear her speak.
Tim spoke of marriage and how its forever, and talked about Hosea and Gomer and no matter what she did, Hosea kept his promise to love her. As Jesus loves us no matter what. Is 62 :5, Is 54:5, Jer 2:32.
Saturday we had the wedding cake which I have explained the way way it was presented earlier. Maureen spoke about this to us and then as a recording of Song of Songs played (the groom speaking) we each went up and cut the cake. How can this be explained ? I don't know really except to say it was a wonderful moving time that was tangible with the presence of The Holy Spirit and Jesus was walking amongst us too.
Hearts were healed during worship and also when prayed for after. Lives were touched in an awesome way that can only be God, and His beautiful presence was there. So tangible i gave Him a hug. I was once again overwhelmed at times as He knitted events together over the 2 days and past weeks to culminate in touching everyone in a special way that attended.
He is a Good Good Father and loves us all so very dearly.
We also had amazing prayer back up before and during from many beautiful people and it was so felt also.
Wonderful Prophetic words were spoken and seen to come to past and are still going to happen. Sandy Gray saw a huge wave, a dumper wave that would knock you down and tip you upside down type of wave. I also saw it. I asked the Lord what was this about, and He said "This wave is not to be avoided, don't dive through it, don't turn side on and try to miss it, BUT surf it, Ride it, It is a New Wave of Mine, a New Wave of Glory, New Wave of Stronger Faith, New Wave of Greater Love And a New Wave Of Revival." So exciting and I believe this wave is for us all to look for and to ride. Pam Eliason saw sand going through an hourglass, almost all through, and believes the time is now for what I am doing here on Eyre Peninsula. (My heart started pounding again Pam as I typed these words)
Scriptures were given, Matt 5:14, The city of light on the hill and we claimed that for Streaky Bay.
Eph 5:14 Wake up sleepers and we are believing and praying that in for this area as well.
Rom 13:11-12 It's high time to awake out of sleep, Let us put on the armour of light. Please read them. Awesome words from God.
Barbara Hardwood was in prayer at her retreat and it was so tangible again. Her words of advice, of what to look for and to be aware of was spot on and a powerful weapon was added to all our prayers over the weekend.
I was blessed to have 6 ladies travel to beautiful Streaky Bay and my home here at Perlubie as well. It was a time of special fellowship that these weekends bring.
Special mention must be made of my husband Brian who moved chairs again, set up again and was a wonderful help again, also the Church people from our CRC Church were 100% behind this event all the way, and Kym for doing the IT, and setting up the music sound system and Heidi for leading worship, and so many others. God Is Blessing them for their servant hearts.

The beautiful and symbolic wedding cake.

Cutting the cake are: Yvonne Amos, Brian Coffey Denise Coffey, and Jill Hill

Charmaine Charmaine Siemek from Elliston preaching on Jewish weddings in the Old Testament.

Pastor Tim Coleman spoke of marriage and how its forever, he spoke about Hosea and Gomer and no matter what she did, Hosea kept his promise to love her.
As Jesus loves us no matter what.
Isaiah 62 :5, Isaiah 54:5, Jeremiah 2:32.
Partner with us in prayer:
We are praying already where to next? Maybe an Easter Event on a beach is a vision which has already come through.
Please continue to pray for the Eyre Peninsular and the plans He has for this wonderful Great South Land of the Holy Spirit.