Prophetic Word: The Lord has prepared you for the Harvest

Prophetic Word for Aglow International Australia & South Pacific Region
Given by Aglow International Australia National Advisor - Apostle Tim Edwards 26/6/2020
The Lord has Prepared You, Aglow, for Harvest
When He saw the crowds, He was moved with compassion and pity for them, because they were dispirited and distressed, like sheep without a shepherd.
Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is [indeed] plentiful, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:36-38
The Lord is saying:
“Aglow International Australia, the present vision and mission I have given you for this season is this:
I have been preparing and equipped you for harvest across Australia & the South Pacific Region.
Look and see the crowds of people who are dispirited and distressed wandering like sheep without a shepherd, take your eyes off your current situation and allow Me to move upon your prayers with compassion because I the Lord not only hear the cry of the crowds in the nations but I have heard your cry of intercession and fervent prayer.
Aglow you have sowed much in tears; sowed much in finances; sowed much imparting into families, community, regions and nations. Also into each other as members to strengthen the hands that hang down in preparation like labourers fit for the harvest I am giving you.” says the Lord of the Harvest.
Harvest time is
an exciting time
divine preparation and time of expectation
a busy time
a blessed time in reaping what you have sown
to be a blessing to others up lifting their spirits
to rejoice together as labourers working in your (branch) field
to celebrate together with the Lord for the fruit of your harvest
honouring and preferring each other for all the effort given
a time of thanksgiving
The harvest is truly plentiful and, members of Aglow International Australia, the Lord of the Harvest has equipped you and prepared you for such a time as this in gathering.
“You are ready, ready right now for I have put the Sword of my Word like a ‘sickle' – a reaping tool – in your mouth. You are champions ‘overcomers’ by the word of the Lord and power of your testimony sealed in the Blood of Jesus because I have chosen you. Don’t turn to the left or right but stay on course with that I have called you to do with a heart of compassion.”
Continue to consult with and enquire of the Lord of the Harvest through prayer and supplication what to do and share with co-workers because there will be confirmation in the vision and mission.
Aglow International Australia, this is your season - don’t miss it because this is the fallow ground that has been toiled and sown in tears over the years, but now is time to bring in the harvest rejoicing.
Proclaim it, declare it, support each other, and claim the harvest for the Lord and your joy.
The symbolic meaning of harvest in Scripture encompasses two main areas: God's provision for us and God's blessing for others. Amen.
Aglow International Australia Leaders & Members, I believe this a word for you personally and corporately harvest time for Australia & South Pacific Region given in love from the heart of the Father who is the Lord of the Harvest.