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Carol Price - A Journey in Aglow

Over the next few months, we will ask the Aglow Board of Directors about their God-given vision for Aglow. This month is Carol Price.

Carol is leader of Eastern Suburbs Sydney Aglow and chair of the Aglow Australia board of directors. She answers some questions about her history in Aglow and the vision God has given her for Aglow in the future.

Q. How did you come to be in Aglow?

Shortly after the Lord brought me back to Himself after not having anything to do with Him since arriving in Australia some 25years or so earlier, I decided that I had better get serious about what it meant to be a believer. I started on a journey that led me to people who are close friends to this day another 25 years or so on. One of those people suggested I might like to go to a local Aglow meeting after I had mentioned I needed to go somewhere where I wasn’t involved in leadership. I did and loved it.

I remember going to the conference held in one of the halls at UNSW and being blown away by the impromptu singing in tongues. It was like angels signing. I had never heard anything like it.

Kerry-Ellen Logan took over as the National Leader around that time and I remember we met at a NSW Retreat down south soon after. Sometime later I was invited to join the Committee of the branch I attended and on the retirement of the President I was invited to take on the role. This was not something I was looking for and prayed long and hard regarding taking it on but had enough confirmations to convince me that it was what the Lord wanted of me.

After a year or so I and the Committee felt God wanted us to change a few things which resulted in a location move and a name change. The Lord took us to Watsons Bay overlooking the Heads, the gateway to Sydney and Australia. This has been a significant factor for our branch to this day.

Q. What vision for Aglow has God given you?

In 2015 the Lord gave me a different picture of Aglow in Australia. A movement with multiple small groups across the country meeting to encourage, equip and disciple those gathering to be who they were created to be and do what they were created to do. Small groups coming together across regions and the nation several times a year so that there would be strong connection and deeper understanding of the influence Aglow was able to have across our communities, states, nation and the world.

The idea was to simplify the structure, reduce overheads and involve everyone in the group in conversation and discussion. Everyone has something to offer, we all learn from each other. I also saw that we needed to make much greater use of technology to improve communication between the National Office and the Branches. We needed to link up with each other across regions and the nation for prayer. Make it possible for those living in remote areas to be connected to this valuable movement. I believed we needed to have much greater transparency and accountability across all facets of the organisation. I wrote to Kerry-Ellen outlining the picture I felt was from the Lord. Since that time others have voiced similar pictures which have led to where we are moving towards today.

Q. What does Aglow mean to you?

Aglow has given me the opportunity to meet some amazing people of God. I have made wonderful friendships with some of the Aglow ladies both in the branch I attend and others. I have been able to go to conferences and gatherings, in person and online, that I probably would never have heard of if I had not been involved with Aglow.

My spiritual life has been impacted by many of the teachings I have heard which has led to life in the natural being upturned in some areas. Gamechangers being one of them. I am aware of the changes but even more importantly others are too. This is what I want to make available to as many people as we can through our movement.

The links we have with Australian Prayer Network and Australia for Jesus are invaluable. They offer teaching and opportunities that are so necessary for the times we live in.

Aglow is not about numbers, it is about being an army of prayer warriors, soul winners and who YOU were created to be.

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