Pentecost Assignment
Wow what a season the Lord has us in! I wanted to share how the Lord has opened my eyes in this season to the things unseen.
It is strange how we live our lives watching, listening, and doing things we believe the Lord requires of us, even when we see only in part and know only in part - sometimes missing what is right in front of us.
This year I planned to have my first visit to Israel, a visit that had been provided for me in a miraculous fashion. I have had words from the Lord regarding the purpose of the visit, the visit was timed for me to be present at the House of Prayer at Mt Carmel at Pentecost. The purpose of the visit was to pray, declare and sing over the Jezreel Valley, pushing through for an end time Kingdom harvest. Sounds exciting doesn’t it?
Then along comes the Corona Virus!
I cried out "Lord what is going on, did I hear wrongly?"
But then I said ‘’You are Lord, I will wait on you.’’
As I waited, He began to speak once more. A very precious friend had a vision: in that vision myself - and a friend that was to journey with me to Israel - were praying on a mountain. That mountain is situated approximately one kilometre away from my home here in Warwick QLD and it was Pentecost. So, I prayed and waited upon the Lord. The Lord instructed me to gain permission to enter the land (private property) and go up and pray during Pentecost. Once we were upon the mountain, we were to wait upon Him and do as He instructs.
The name of the mountain is Mt Tabor and I know it is named after Mt Tabor in Israel. What I found out, after some research, is that Mt Tabor is in the Jezreel Valley! God knew we didn’t have to go all the way to Israel to pray, all we had to do was drive two minutes up the road. God is amazing and it still makes me laugh to think this was His plan all along.
Here is the summary of events that unfolded as we went forth in obedience:
The day before we planned to pray, we met the owner of the land. The owner gave us permission to access his land after we explained exactly what we wanted to do. We ask to position ourselves with a view over the city, facing East for the sunrise, and then move west north west (the direction of Israel in relation to our position).
On the day, the mountain was shrouded in cloud, our banners captured the wind and stayed flying proudly for the whole time.
As the sun rose, we watched an image of fire filled glory, I can’t express what we saw, it was overwhelming! Filled with His Presence! We prayed for Holy Spirit breakthrough, the release of His anointing over the nations, in particular, Australia and Israel. After we finished, I heard the Lord say "turn around and take a photograph of your shadow."
In obedience I did. Please look at the photograph below. What do you see?

It looks as though we are warriors on horseback!
The Lord made us His Light Horse Warriors. In the Spirit and through our obedience He released His purposes and His plans.
I believe this has been God's plan for my life that started almost forty years ago, when He brought me to live in this district. How exciting is it to be alive at such a time as this, what awesome days we live in!
Leonie from Warwick Aglow