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Call to Prayer for the COVID-19 crisis

Dear Aglow Family,

We are in difficult times, not since the years during and following the World Wars has the whole world been affected by such uncertainty and fear. It seems that the situation is changing minute by minute and the uncertainty is taking its toll on people.

As Christians we must stand! This is our time to show our faith in action, to be the salt and the light to the people around us. We must be calm and level-headed, we will observe the directives of our Government and Health Care professionals, however we will not be afraid. Our Great God is in control, He is still seated upon His throne!

Beloved our power is in prayer.

The Australian Prayer Network is calling us to come together as a nation in prayer at 7pm on the 19th of March, we are also being asked to observe a National Day of Prayer and Fasting on Sunday 29th March. Below is the APN message in full.

Together as one the Christians of this nation will call upon God for His mercy, and power to come upon us and deliver us. Beloved we will see our Great God have victory over the evil that is stalking us, He is God and there is no other, we belong to Him and so do our families.

Psalm 22:4-5 says, “Our fathers’ faith was in you— through the generations they trusted and believed in you and you came through. Every time they cried out to you in their despair, you were faithful to deliver them; you didn’t disappoint them.” (TPT).

With much love,

Kerry-Ellen Logan

National Leader, Aglow International Australia


Message from the Australian Prayer Network:


The heads of many of the Christian denominations within Australia have combined together to call for a season of concerted and urgent prayer for the national crisis being currently experienced related to the spread of Covid-19. They have asked the Australian Prayer Network to call and co-ordinate prayer amongst the Intercessors of the nation. Pastor Wayne Alcorn, President of the Australian Christian Churches who is acting as spokesman for the campaign said “I have a conviction that it is the time for the Church of Jesus Christ in this nation to stand united in prayer until we see this pandemic stopped. I have been overwhelmed by the unprecedented support and unity that has been expressed when I have spoken to leaders of denominations and ministries across Australia. We all agree that we should pray, regardless of our traditions.”

The official prayer initiative will be launched this Thursday 19th March, at 1900 hours and then daily until the crisis has been declared over. All Christians Australia-wide are asked to pray for our nation in response to the crisis. (The 19th and 1900 hours is simply an effective reminder and connection). Churches are asked to include prayer for the crisis in their Sunday services each week as well as encourage prayer in their other meetings throughout the week. Churches are also being asked to observe a National Day of Prayer and Fasting on Sunday 29th March.

For our members, and Intercessors generally, the Australian Prayer Network is asking that prayers for the current crisis be included in your daily prayer time. To assist we will include some prayer points in our Australian News bulletin each week during this season of prayer. As there is limited time to call the nation to this season of prayer we ask that you on-forward this to your Church leaders, prayer leaders and other Intercessors you know who would be interested in joining in. The intention is that this become a viral campaign rather than an organised top down campaign with each Church or prayer group responding and implementing their own strategy as the Lord leads them.

Prayer points for the first week are:

  1. That Christians Australia wide would throw off our differences and join together in united prayer for our nation at this critical time.

  2. That God would grant wisdom and energy to our Prime Minister and our State Premiers as they seek to guide the nation through these difficult times. Pray that their guidance and the nation’s response would avoid a financial calamity as well as shielding our nation from a health crisis that cannot be properly managed.

  3. That our National Medical Advisory Team advising our leaders would be sharp, accurate and wise in the recommendations they make and that the Australian public will respond with a calm measured response and not the panic that we have seen in recent weeks.

Thank you for joining with us at this critical point in our nation’s history. Let us pray that as a nation we emerge from this season stronger and wiser than we enter it, with a greater consciousness of our need for God in the everyday affairs of our nation.

Brian Pickering National Coordinator – Australian Prayer Network

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