Changing the Atmosphere with Lee Grady

At the recent "Changing the Atmosphere" Aglow International Australia Day in Perth we had the pleasure of hearing Lee Grady bring a Word for such a time as this. Lee is the founder of the Mordecai Project which focuses on the plight of girls and women experiencing what he calls the "Silence of Dinah" (see Genesis 34:1-7 for the story of Dinah which resulted in her being invisible for the rest of her life).
The first half of the day contained some heavy content, as Lee identified Ten key areas of abuse of women in the world:
1. Domestic violence
2. Rape and sexual abuse
3. Sex trafficking
4. Infanticide
5. Female genitalia mutilation
6. Widow abuse
7. Honour killings
8. Child marriage
9. Femicide
10. Bride Stealing
His first message for this gathering stressed the importance of bringing healing into the lives of women around the world, including here in Australia.
After speaking at some length with a local indigenous woman at lunch Lee made a commitment to come back to Australia to encourage and minister to indigenous women in Perth and beyond. This trip will be organised and promoted with Aglow.
His second message was more positive and referred to the Three Miracles of Renewal
1. Unfruitfulness is broken (2 Kings 2:19-22) - Be ready for a move of God
2. Fresh oil is released - Baptise people in the Holy Spirit so they can be Spirit filled.
3. The next generation raised to life (2 Kings 4:32-45) - As mature Christians we must 'mother' or 'father' a new generation of Spirit-filled people. Make disciples.
This message of encouraging, raising, discipling and mentoring the next generation was the message of both Asher Intrater and Dan Juster at the Aglow International Convocation in Jerusalem last month. In cannot be underestimated.
We who call ourselves believers have a responsibility to show God's love in every aspect of our lives. This is the outworking of our testimony, of what He has done for us and what He wants everyone to experience. One way we can do this is by coming alongside those in need, bearing in mind that 'need' can be as simple as having someone to talk to. We must take the authority we have in Jesus and speak healing into the lives of those who need it, and as God leads and in His timing, share our faith.
Aglow International is all about encouraging each other to deepen their relationship with the Lord, be who they were created to be, and fulfil their God given purpose.