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Aglow Australia

Knox City - A Heart for Giving

Lyn - leader of Aglow Knox City - shares with us their heart for sowing into the Aglow ministry, and the different ways Knox City gives.

"There are many generous people in our Group of about 20 regulars, who continue to sow into our Offerings month after month.

We give with joy, knowing that this is an investment in God’s work through Aglow. We are glad to partner with Him in the finances.

The Kingdom Offering is a great idea for a boost to National funds. The reality is, God’s work needs money. And Aglow is a Kingdom ministry whose influence is increasing in the earth. Therefore, resources, training and the support needed, increase too. Once a year is quite a reasonable request.

At Knox, we are delighted and excited to have this opportunity, as we know that God loves a cheerful giver!

We can never repay what He has done, but to give joyfully to His work through Aglow, is a trustworthy investment. It’s an expression of our love for Him and Aglow in Australia and the South Pacific Region.

The Storehouse Offering has been an integral part of our Aglow Knox City meetings for many years.

It was Riekie Dalm who picked up what an auditor/accountant advised the National Board many years ago.

As I recall, it was suggested that a company like Aglow, would benefit from accruing a fund for emergency situations or ‘rainy days’, so to speak.

Our Branch embraced the idea, with each one to ask God what they were to set aside for his work through the Storehouse. At first we had a green ceramic pot and many people felt to deny themselves a cup of coffee or chocolate treat, to give those dollars to the Storehouse. At the launch of this offering, when Rev Joan Morton visited, there were huge numbers of $2 and $1 coins almost spilling out of the green pot!

Fast forward: for several years we have had a ceramic house for our Storehouse Offering. We ask God from time to time, do we change what we give? Some still continue to save $2 coins, others have a different coin or note each month. One says, lately I have been challenged to give every 2nd $5 note that comes into my purse. Others give what and when they can.

The General Offering still amazes us! Our Partners are older, many are pensioners, most are out of the workforce, but the flow keeps coming! Even growing!! Thank you Lord for generous hearts and hands.

With hugs,

Lyn Pettman

Leader Aglow Knox City"

This year, our Kingdom Offering theme for this year is Gratitude (Philippians 4:10). This is a once a year donation from the heart to support and undergird the work of Aglow going into 2020.

If you would like to contribute to the Kingdom Offering, ask your group leader at the next group meeting, or visit the donate page on the Aglow website.

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