Jerusalem Convocation

The Convocation was everything we anticipated, the worship took us up into the very throne room of God, it was magnificent!
The speakers Jane Hansen Hoyt, Asher Intrater and Dan Juster spoke with passion urging us to come up higher in God through prayer and worship.
Asher urged us, to not only not cast the first stone in judgement of others, but to drop the stone altogether.
Asher also said "If we all join together, if we can rise to a heavenly place and gain access to the Spirit, we can lay hold of the authority Yeshua had. We have Ascension Authority to change the situation. We are at the crossroads; it is a do or die situation. But there is a higher level available to us. Read Revelation to see how to lay hold of authority. There has to be a generation in the End Times to read this book! We have to pray and speak out the word of God, and WE HAVE TO DO THIS TOGETHER!"
We will be sharing more of photos (those who went on the trip please send in any you would like to share to and more excerpts from the messages in the upcoming newsletters.

Below are a few scenic photos from Israel, as well as those receiving their Watchmen on the Wall certificates: