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Aglow Australia

Regional Days Changing the Atmosphere in July

Over the past month, 6 Regional Days took place in Auburn NSW, Newcastle NSW, Merimbula NSW, Swan Hill VIC, Toowoomba QLD and Sunshine Coast QLD

Each day was significant for that region, as Kerry-Ellen Logan, Margaret Whiteley and other guest speakers brought forth prophetic words of encouragement.

Below are some highlights from the days from people who attended:


From Bev Golder:

"From the outset, we knew that this would be a significant meeting and also strategic timing for Auburn and Sydney. It was an opportunity for the wider Aglow community to meet there, along with some of the local Arabic leaders, to worship and pray together We had an opportunity to pray for an Arabic man, new to Christianity. We were blessed with ministry from our national leader Kerry Ellen, encouraging us to continue to step up to the next level, changing the atmosphere. Margaret Whitely brought us rich teaching in the area of more effective prayer and Pastor Ray Wadeley from Voice of the Martyrs shared some very real, compelling video testimony regarding those persecuted for their faith in Christ. All in all, it was a powerful day and we declare that atmosphere has been changed!"


From Sue Peacock:

"Powerful themes of Alignment and Unity flowed throughout the day.

For many who had been discouraged, they were encouraged to pick up their mantles again. This is a new day – NEW STRENGTH, NEW WINE, NEW PASSION. Healing flowed forth, and a precious couple who went forward for prayer were baptized in the Spirit the following Sunday.

The husband had never attended Aglow before, but woke with the Lord telling him he needed to attend Regional Day.

Another young woman wrote following Regional Day, “I feel like Aglow was my day of freedom, my day of independence from the way the world thinks and acts. No longer confined, we can bring freedom to captives in His name."

Swan Hill

From Pam Eliason:

"Aglow leaders from and South Australia and Victoria had the privilege to host a regional day in Swan Hill. We took advantage of our air supremacy and changed the atmosphere in this region, cleansing the spiritual realm.

It was a day of firsts for Aglow, first time in Swan Hill, first time the team had worked together, or even met together. Many women and men attended from Aglow and non-Aglow backgrounds. Many first timers from local towns joined us and loved the new experience of freedom that Aglow meetings offer. Young indigenous ladies [whom had never heard of Aglow] had such a sense of spirit as they performed their arts of traditional dance. Aunty Esther OAM, a local elder of the region, sang and yarned with us, we had a sense of sitting around a campfire, of family meeting together and the love was tangible. We had only the agenda from the Lord as the day flowed and ebbed, each section of time was advancing the territory for the Kingdom."


From Val Cairncross:

"Toowoomba regional day was incredible. We had 3 powerful women of God bringing us His Heart for this region and beyond.

Kerry-Ellen lit the torch strong encouraging us to go after the "more" that He had for us with a passionate word to pursue HIM.

Margaret followed with the liberating word on the courts of Heaven and how our personal book has our destiny recorded and again to seek Him and His righteousness.

Our afternoon speaker Shauna Dunne bought a powerful word that we are NOTABLE women from 2Kings 4:8. The enemy would have us think we are NOT ABLE - but in Him we are more than conquerors."

Sunshine Coast

From Kerry-Ellen Logan

"The final joyful blessing at Sunshine coast Regional Day. We release precious doves as in the Song of songs and thanked God for all that Aglow represents past, present and future. A very significant moment beautifully led by Melva. I had the privilege of praying holding the hands of Fran who was the first President in this region and the hand of Jacinta representing the future of this ever changing Kingdom Movement.

Queensland you are burning bright! Cairns in 2 weeks time!"

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