Just Turning Up
“I am about to release A NEW SEASON OF INFLUENCE on you Aglow... It will demand consistency and just turning up,” (abridged) Rev Ben Gray.
David, from a young boy kept turning up to look after, nourish and protect the sheep. He worshipped, played his instrument, wrote psalms, practised becoming a warrior, all the while caring for the sheep.
David took a major step into His destiny when Goliath stood taunting the Israelites. Even as his brothers and Saul told him he could not fight this giant, David’s response to Saul was, “Your servant killed both the lion and the bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be like one of them, for he has defied the armies of the Living God!” - 1 Samuel 17:36.
Doesn’t your spirit stir when you hear those words!
David stepped out to slay the enemy without fear as he knew he would be victorious because he is in covenant with the living God and he knew God had never failed him.
As Dutch Sheets said in 2017, “David grabbed his history in one hand, reached into his inheritance and headed to the battle field.”
How many times has God spoken to Aglow revealing His intentions and plans prophetically for this ministry? Countless! So many times. If you go to the International Website you can read these under resources.
Ben said, “In this season of change that is upon you (Aglow) I am going to give you open doors - but you must push through to reach them.
"These open doors will fling – Yes I say they will catapult you into that which I have called you to. It will demand consistency and just showing up.”
David had learned of God in the field but there was this turning point for him when he had to take his stand against the “uncircumcised Philistine.”
There will come many more moments and encounters when we will reach into our history and take hold of our inheritance and believe this is our moment. That is for all of us as Global Partners, attendees or in leadership. As we walk with God and His revelation through the prophetic and the word or when an unexpected opportunity stands before us.
Like David who kept turning up to care for the sheep, feed his brothers, fight off the lions and bears and then he heard “something” and he did not flinch! He knew what to do.
Keep pressing through in prayer, in attendance and in service because we are called and anointed to walk through doors God opens. Not all of them are dramatic, some are simple but I believe there are some BIG moments ahead! As Jane said, “It’s big, it’s really big!”
Let’s start by Just Turning up at our Regional Days!