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Aglow Changes the Atmosphere in Melbourne

Regional Days have started in a significant way, with the first Regional Day held at the Aboriginal Advancement League in Thornbury in Melbourne's northern suburbs. What a precious way to start these days aligning with our sisters and being aided by our brothers with AV. We were AS ONE!

Worship was simple but profound, and the presence of God immediately permeated the atmosphere.

People were encouraged to come and break down any dividing walls by washing the hands of another and removing any murmuring of the past or present. Repentance and healing flowed.

Dr Esme Bamblett was “blown away” by the atmosphere at the Regional Day as she brought her encouraging word. As she said, “Changing the atmosphere is in our hands as we walk and pray together.” It was Dr Esme who invited all participants to wash each other's hands. It was a beautiful moment as two by two we did this act of love.

Regional Days are continuing around the nation throughout 2019. For details of Regional Days near you, see the Aglow website:

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