Christmas Greetings from Aglow International Australia

I have been spending time in the book of Isaiah as Christmas approaches and find comfort and hope in the plan of God in all things.
In the time of deep darkness a man, Isaiah, is called and cleansed and then willingly responds to the question, “Whom shall I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?”
Isaiah said, “Here I am, send me.”
We know God always held the plan in His heart to send His Son to save this world and many hearts and lives carried the revelation and hope of Christ long before He was ever revealed in the flesh.
As we sing, “Joy to the world, the Lord is come,” and the other beautiful carols recalling the birth of Jesus this Christmas, may we remember our part in His plan to tell the world about the Saviour.
There are many who are receiving sad news at this Christmas time but we are still the bearers of good tidings of great joy to those who may have no hope. Like Isaiah we have a call every day.
We wish you a blessed and joyful Christmas as you celebrate with those you love and we are thankful to each one of you who is part of the Aglow family.
We anticipate with great joy 2018!
With love,
Kerry-Ellen and all who serve in the National Office.