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Aglow International Conference - Boundless in favour, in Power, in Majesty

Marilyn Grave

56 men and women from Australia attended the Aglow 2017 Global Conference this past September in Richmond, Virginia USA. This was a brilliant representation of the leadership of Aglow, as well as men and women from most states of Australia.

Kerry-Ellen Logan, our National President was unable to attend this year but with the wonder of the Live Webcast, was able to watch the whole conference in the comfort of her lounge room. It was the next best thing to being there in person. She watched every session, Global Council, Leaders’ Summit meetings, 50th Anniversary Gala and Concert with Paul Wilbur, Flag Parade, worship led by Ruth Collingridge, and the (4) main speakers, Apostle Barbara Yoder, Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets and Graham Cooke.

We all stood in awe of the goodness of God as He gathered 5,000 from 70 nations of the world to take part in this celebration of this tremendous achievement in God. The Flag Parade, was spectacular in colour and precision with 170 flags presented, representing the Aglow presence in each nation called, including (5) undisclosed nations. The highlight, of course, for every Australian present and watching through the webcast, was our very own Kevin and Sandra Fidock, proudly, jointly carrying the flag with a clear declaration for Godly Marriage in our nation.

International President, Jane Hansen Hoyt, opened the Global Leaders’ Summit stating, “We are living in a culminating time in world history. We are among the people that God has prepared for this time in History. He has called us for this time and for His purpose.”

Highlights from the Guest Speakers

Graham Cooke: “These are strange days we are living in. We don’t take our cues from the world around us. We take our orders from Heaven.” “There’s only one surrender that’s worthwhile, it’s the surrender of the majesty of Jesus in our lives.”

In keeping with what we have been taught by our National President – we have known it for years – Aglow, this is your time to arise! Graham declared – “I hear the Lord saying, ‘it would be great if you could arise a big quicker.” The Lord is saying, “You know I can do more. Work with me.”

Graham encouraged us to write PUSH prayers (Pray Until Something Happens). If these are the End Times, then what we need is an End Times People. “The world is spiralling downwards, but we are spiralling up in our identity, inheritance and to lead lives that represent Jesus.”

Barbara Yoder: Barbara challenged us to hunger for God in a greater way and expect His power to manifest in our lives. “We are stepping into the greatest days in history. The women warriors are rising like never before.” Barbara said, “God is looking for people who are hungry.” She urged, “Increase the hunger in Aglow. The world needs you!” “It doesn’t matter how old you are. The question is: Are you Hungry?”

The Lord says, “You had your feet to move in the past, but now He’s giving you horses to ride. He is stirring up a new spirit and you will not walk, you will ride into your future.”

Chuck Pierce: spoke prophetically. 2017 (5778 in the Jewish calendar: The Year of the Gate). A new alignment of husband and bridegroom. We ARE the new beginning (not just looking for it). The “new” needs to be demonstrated and worked out.

5778 is linked with energy – we have the anointing, power and energy to go through the gate.

5778 is the year of Ruth. Two generations aligning to regain what was lost, advancing forth in restoration. Change your clothes! Take off the widow rags. Put on the best dress you can find. It’s a new day with new anointing. It’s new! Women, you are going to receive a seer anointing.

Chuck presented a mantle made by a widow in Israel – the “Naomi” mantle was placed on Jane’s shoulders – coming to activate Ruth in the future.

Dutch Sheets: – four “times” in scripture –

Chronos – General season of time

Kairos – window of opportunity – strategic of time when something must be done

Beautiful – from the Greek work ‘horaios’ meaning the right time. When everything comes together it creates a beautiful thing

Fullness – Jesus walked past the lame man at the gate Beautiful many times but did not heal him. Peter healed him. Why? It wasn’t the right time.

He has positioned Aglow to be the ‘point of the spear’. Well-placed. This is the ‘breakthrough portal year. You are positioned to pull a people through a window. A portal is when you step through that door – a portal in the Spirit.

An old wine skin is a person who cannot accept the new. A new wine skin has everything to do with the heart – nothing to do with age. Today’s wisdom is yesterday’s revelation.

History – you are going to need some things in your history to accomplish what you have for the future. Like David – “I have a history with God – killing the lion and the bear. He grabbed his staff which had his history carved on it and stones from the brook (inheritance). History in one hand, inheritance in the other and entered the battlefield.

50 year milestone is cause for celebration but the greatest harvest of Aglow is not in your past, it is in front of you. There are giants that you are going to kill. When the assignment comes, don’t be intimidated. There is a strategy coming.

Dutch declared, “We are not just Priests that petition and worship, we are moving into the Royal Priesthood area. We are not just going to ask, we are going to decree a thing and watch it change.”

“The Church is moving from petition to proclamation.” “I know of no other company of intercessors that could better model this Kingly role of petition and declaration.”


On the final day, Graham Cooke summarised all we had heard what and it meant for us going forward.

Welcome to the first day of a brand new era. We need the Word of the Lord in a way we never have before. God does not measure time, He measures growth. Prophesy must become as true in our heart as it is in His. It is not time that brings fulfilment to prophecy, it’s positioning. Don’t delay your response or your responsibility to come up to the level that prophesy can be fulfilled.

Position yourself according to the promise not the circumstances.

Graham presented Jane with a magnificent Sceptre. “With a crown on your head and a sceptre in your hand, you have banged on the door with the sceptre and it swung open. The day of intercession has ended and a new day of proclamation has begun. The time is done, the day is here. No more waiting for time to be fulfilled IT IS TIME.”

This destiny cannot fall on Jane alone. This requires an unprecedented step up. The new Aglow has been coming for the last 3 – 5 years. We all need to get on board because now it is here and we all need to adjust to a new reality.

We’re facing the opportunity of a lifetime. Beloved, we must act within the lifetime of that opportunity. These are unprecedented days and events – not a window but a huge door. It requires an unprecedented response.

1967 – 2017 Spirit born, Spirit led, for fifty years

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