Kingdom Offering in October

October marks the time where we plan to receive the Kingdom Offering – donations to continue the work of Aglow in Australia and nearby nations for the coming year.
This is a significant event, where all who are connected with Aglow prepare within their hearts for what they feel to give for this coming year, as this offering will undergird us for 2018.
Finances received from the Kingdom Offering go towards many varied projects that further the work of the Kingdom, such as:
- financing outreach into regional areas;
- building up and supporting God's work in the Indigenous communities around Australia;
- allowing us to make preparations for next year’s national conference;
- supporting emerging Aglow groups.
This is an offering from your heart to ours. It is a connection that reaches out to bless others and further God’s plans.
This year, in addition to the Kingdom Offering taken up during regular branch meetings, we have the facility to accept Kingdom Offerings via credit card using our Donate page on the Aglow International Australia Website.
If you have any problems donating online, and cannot get to a branch meeting, you can call us in the office where we will also be able to take your offering over the phone.
Be part of the work of the Kingdom. Continue the work of Aglow in our nation, and surrounding areas.
Jesus said “My desire is to give you everything in abundance, more than you expected – life in its fullness until you overflow” John 10:10.
Aglow is expecting life in its fullness.
Thank you for giving into this year’s abundant Kingdom Offering in October for such a time as this.