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June/July Regional Day wrap up

Aglow Australia

We have had a wonderful start to this years Regional Days - with many inspiring speakers, anointed worship, great food and lots of fellowship! Below we have summarised the days that took place in June and July.

Echuca, VIC – held 3 June

This was the first of the 2017 Regional Days and what a great day it was.

Echuca, an Aboriginal name meaning "Meeting of the Waters", was a significant location, as it was also the coming together of different people groups and the gathering of others from further up the river and surrounding areas. The unity was tangible and powerful.

The day was led by the Holy Spirit from beginning to end.

Sydney, NSW – held 17 June

The Sydney Regional Day reflected the many aspects of how the Lord is leading Aglow, with testimonies that had us all marvelling at how good our God is with reports of healings, deliverance, setting free, revelations, financial favours and more.

Thank you Pastor Bernadette for the Prophetic Word given to Aglow. Like Esther, make a difference: in preparation, prayer must come first otherwise it will not remain: We are called and anointed: Take the step!

Mittagong, NSW – held 21 June

The morning started with a time of praise and worship where we were taken to another realm and were mightily blessed by Merrion from Camden Aglow who has only just stepped into Aglow. She is rising in the power of God as He grants her a freedom in worship she has never known before.

The 'game changed' - our Lord was honoured and central - there was a shift in the atmosphere and we can only humbly acknowledge that God was about His business with us individually and with Aglow in this beautiful region. All praise to Him!

Maitland, NSW – held 24 June

The Maitland Regional day was held on the 24th June at the Hunter Christian Life Centre. Margaret Whitely reported that it was a truly magnificent day. The Holy Spirit led throughout the day. All experienced His glorious presence during precious worship and the prophetic preaching, by the Speakers (Pastor Bernadette and Pastors Marcus and Rachael), who touched hearts with magnificent truths.

Testimonies of lives changed through GameChangers were powerful.

Aglow International Australia was extremely well demonstrated as a ministry that is ‘born of the spirit, led by the spirit, for 50 years’.

Hobart, TAS – held 8 July

The first Regional Day to be held in Tasmania! Many were privileged to travel from mainland Australia to support this wonderful day. We have written a more detailed article on the significance of this regional day which you can read on our blog here.

Bundaberg/Gladstone, QLD – held 15 July

As the Bundaberg/Gladstone leaders gathered together for prayer the evening before our Aglow Regional Day, we became so aware of the Oil of the Holy Spirit flowing over us – a fresh anointing, renewing, filling us and preparing us for the days ahead. This awareness of the Oil was tangible throughout our Regional Day as well, as people from our region, including Gympie, Sunshine Coast, Kingaroy, Gladstone and Bundaberg gathered together to taste and see that the Lord our God is good.

GameChangers was highlighted with a skit and some women sharing what amazing changes this study has been making to their lives and encouraging everyone to become Game Changers. It was a joyful day, full of hope and expectation of what the Lord will accomplish in and through our lives as we continue to look to Him and journey with Aglow.

Beautiful old Aglow faces and new faces came through the doors with great expectations and left at the end of the day with renewed hope, ready to Arise! with this fresh hope in their hearts, knowing that our God is a powerful God and thankful that they had made the effort to come.

There are many more Regional Days happening all over Australia in September and October. To find a Regional Day near you, see the events page of the Aglow International Australia website.

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