Our Red Heart on Fire in Adelaide
Surrender and Breakthrough were the major themes to come out of the Aglow International Australia Conference, held in August last year. Around 500 people met at the Adelaide Oval to worship Jesus, hear inspirational speakers, and fellowship with each other.

Christine Sakakibara came from Israel to share her message for the effective Christian life, and God’s love for the Israeli people. Matthew Bolte brought the heart of the bush to the conference, giving down to earth teaching on surrender.
Each session built upon the previous session to bring about what God wanted to do in the city of Adelaide, and for the family of Aglow. Throughout the conference, we were working in unity with the outstanding indigenous Kingdom men and women God has connected us with.
For some years there has been a building in Aglow to reach out to Indigenous Australians, to bring them the Good News and the Kingdom of Jesus into their lives. Lenore Geia gave a personal and challenging message, asking each person to take on the heart of Indigenous Australians.
We were ministered to by the music team led by Ned Davis, which included guest worship leaders and performers such as Robyn Green and Pastor Tim Edwards.
All who attended the conference could not help but be impacted by what we experienced. The presence of God was heavy in all sessions, as He showed us His love for all peoples.
To hear more about the conference, contact your nearest Aglow Branch.