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Aglow participates in the National Day of Thanks

Aglow branches all over Australia took part in the National Day of Thanks, a day in May set aside to thank God, and thank members in our community for their contribution. Each Aglow branch expressed their gratitude in a unique, and special, way. Here we share how 5 Aglow branches greatly impacted their chosen recipients.

Bendigo Aglow Branch

Bendigo Aglow decided to use the National Day of Thanks as an opportunity to honour Tracey, a local High School chaplain. Tracey received a personal, heart-felt gift and a thank you card signed by their branch as a way of expressing their thankfulness.

Camden Aglow Branch

For the National Day of Thanks, Camden Aglow organised a community picnic day, with the aim being to unify churches in the area, as well as to reach out to those in the community.

Sue Peacock, from Camden Aglow, summarises the day as follows:

“The atmosphere was one of joyful unity in diversity as we gathered to give thanks to God. In the prayer room, in the program, and in the expo, people from a wide variety of nationalities and cultures participated with enthusiasm. Michael Duckett, an Aboriginal Pastor opened and honoured the Day with song, welcome to country and playing the didgeridoo.”

Also as part of the day, there was a special ceremony to acknowledge a spiritual well, dug by an apostolic team of Methodist men in 1839. Sue tells us that in the ceremony, “That well was liberated, and “The unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” was deposited into the well to release a fresh flow of living water into the spiritual atmosphere.”

Frankston Aglow Branch

Frankston Aglow decided to express their thanks to the nursing home next door to where their monthly meeting is held.

Tanya tell us, “we put an orchid plant, balloons, ribbons and a certificate of appreciation in the staff room. As the staff came in for afternoon change of shift we had the opportunity to offer them a chocolate basket with a NDOT card and just chat. They were surprised, wondering what the catch was, and appreciative when they realised we were just there to thank them for the work they do looking after our elderly.” Tanya adds that one staff member said to them 'no one has ever said thank you before’.

Kalgoorlie Aglow Branch

Aglow in Kalgoorlie handed out framed ‘Thank You’ certificates as well as cards with small gifts to several health related organisations in their community. Many who received the gifts were moved by the acknowledgement of their service.

One organisation – Goldfields Individual and Family Support Association (GIFSA), was so struck by the gesture, they contacted a local newspaper to express their gratitude at receiving such an acknowledgement.

Another organisation, Bega Garnbirringu Health Services, invited Kalgoorlie Aglow to return to present the certificate during an All Staff meeting – so their 100 staff could hear Aglow express their gratitude.

Kerry Phillips tells us “What a privilege it was to be there and see their precious faces light up in receiving the words that were spoken to them (and over them.)”

Aglow National Office

We delighted to extend a blessing of thanks to our neighbours at 110 East Parade. We each made a tasty delight and prepared a platter of morning tea goodies. Those simple words ‘thank you’ and a National Day of Thanks Card was gratefully received with surprise and comment ‘this has never happened to me before’. What a wonderful way to express the goodness of God!

Whether it was to one person, or 100 people, the acts of thankfulness and kindness each Aglow branch showed has had a great impact on their recipients.

For more information on the Day of Thanks, see the National Day of Thanks website.

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