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Aglow Australia

Conference Registration is open now

Registrations are now open for the 2016 Aglow International Australia Conference on the Aglow website. The conference will be held from August 29th-31st at the Adelaide Oval.

This is the first time Adelaide has hosted a National Conference, and will build upon the ground laid by last year’s Regional Day.

God has assembled the conference speakers, each of whom has a passion for the transformation of this nation’s people to reflect God’s heart and intentionality. Join with us and receive the cascading life that the Holy Spirit pours out through worship and the word.

No matter what season you are in, God has something He wants to share with you. He desires to impact your life, change mindsets, release living waters, bring forth His fresh new life for this nation through you.

You can register for the conference online by going to the Conference page on the Aglow International Australia website and clicking “Register Now”. The conference page also has all the information you need, including accommodation options and details of the speakers.

If you require assistance in registering for the conference, please see a member of your Aglow branch leadership team, or you can contact the registrar on or

08 9228 3311.

Come and share in all the Holy Spirit has prepared for us, we know it will be a special time in God.

“I will make rivers flow on barren heights,

and springs within the valleys

I will turn the desert into pools of water,

and parched ground into springs”

Isaiah 41:18

Kerry-Ellen Logan

National President

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