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Peddling God's Love - Frankston Aglow in the Community

Aglow Australia

Frankston Aglow has been spending time in prayer and looking for opportunities to step out into the community, both planned and unplanned. Tanya, president of Frankston Aglow, shares two ways they brought the presence of God into their local community.

One member of Frankston Aglow, Helen, suggested donating food items in what they call a “basket of abundance”. As Tanya explains, “Helen felt we should be filling it each month to pass on to Frankston Community support. They then pass on those in the community in need.”

The basket of abundance takes planning and organisation each month, but members of Frankston Aglow have also been on the lookout for spontaneous ways to step into the community. A last minute decision after a prayer walk allowed them to do this. “After the prayer walk the idea was just to go back to the (Frankston North) community centre for coffee rather than to someone's home.” Tanya tells us.

What they found when they got there, was a community event being held in that very centre. “They were celebrating Mental Health - R U OK day? - so we stayed on for a smoothie, then lunch served by Taskforce, who offer lunch most days in the centre, served by people working for the dole.”

The members of Frankston Aglow chatted with people at the event, and took part in riding the “Smoothie Bikes” as pictured, where the rider pedals the bike to power the smoothie maker attached to it.

Tanya feels everyone can be encouraged by these examples of simple ways to be a light in the community. “I'd love it to be that we were 'doing' something but being present and cover(ed) in prayer… And making ourselves available if there is someone there God prompts us to speak to…the idea was just to be in the community with a prayerful heart/attitude.”

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