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Expectant Hearts at the SA Regional Day

Aglow Australia

The South Australian Regional day marked the beginning of a time of preparation for Aglow in this state, as planning begins for the 2016 Aglow International Australia Conference, to be held in Adelaide.

Around 50 people attended the Regional day in Aberfoyle Park in July, and heard from variety of speakers which included Kerry-Ellen Logan, Pastor Ron and Anna Penny, Pastor Peter Moore, Pam Elliason, Carmel Barker and Marilyn Grave.

Lyndell, from Noarlunga Aglow, greatly enjoyed attending the Regional Day. “The words shared by those who spoke (were) really encouraging,” Lyndell goes on to say, “…there’s much to do as we, the body of Jesus Christ, arise, sharing from our lives in creative ways… coming alongside others as we release the love of our Heavenly Father, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit’s leading.”

Brenda, from Noarlunga Aglow, helped to organise the day and has received many positive comments, including a request to become a member in Aglow again. “Some were so impressed and this was coming from one of the husbands who is a Pastor, of a new member that he said he thought it was so much like our own church, which is prophetic, and so he wants to join us too.”

Details of the 2016 conference, will be available shortly. Regional Days continue to be held all around Australia in the coming months, for details see the Events page of the Aglow International Australia website.

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