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Bunbury Hosts an Aglow Regional Day

Aglow Australia

The second Aglow International Australia Regional Day was held in Bunbury, WA in June this year.

People gathered from all around the Bunbury region to hear Kerry-Ellen Logan, Tim Edwards, and Esther Jinadu give their messages for Aglow at this time. 40 years of Aglow in Australia was also celebrated at this event.

Paula, from Wagin Aglow, travelled to Bunbury and was delighted with attending the day. “There was live music and the moving of the Holy Spirit was so evident” she shares, “Tim Edwards, an Aboriginal pastor and Aglow Australia Advisor, spoke on the prodigal son with a new perspective on the story. It was wonderful how he shared that our heavenly Father is like the prodigal's earthly father. He is always waiting for the return of the prodigal with open arms and unconditional love.”

Paula also felt encouraged by the fellowship with other people with a heart for Aglow. “Meeting the other branches of Aglow was full of loving and caring. Everyone was so kind and helpful. We will never forget this fantastic birthday celebration.”

Further Regional days are being held all over Australia. See the Events page of the Aglow International Australia website for dates and details.

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