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Aglow Reaches Out to Lake Grace, WA

Aglow Australia

The Aglow branch in Wagin travelled to the town of Lake Grace in May this year, to reach out and encourage Lake Grace locals that Aglow had made contact with in past visits.

Robyn from Wagin Aglow tells us they received a warm reception when they arrived, and soon found their reason for being there. A lady from Lake Grace told Robyn a story of the interaction between early settlers and the aboriginal people of the area.

“She said when the early settlers came, they had received a warm welcome from the Aboriginals and were helped by them in many ways, “ Robyn says, “(However), after the pioneers were settled, they massacred the Aboriginals. To this day no Aboriginals live in the town.”

Robyn says this story greatly impacted the Aglow group, “It was decided that we would go to the cemetery to pray for forgiveness from the Aboriginals and healing for them and the town. We also took communion there. It was such a blessed time.”

Following on from this visit, more trips are being planned by Wagin Aglow. “The Lake Grace people invited us to come back again which we plan to do in August or September,” Robyn says, “We are so glad that we obeyed God's direction. We are now praying for the opportunity to do the same in the town of Katanning.”

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